Chapter 19! Completed.

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** Mias pov**

These next chapters might make you cry.

I woke up to coughing , and puking coming from Im thinking Cams room. I get up, and walk over and I see him hunched up on the bed coughing, with a bucket next to him filled with puke.

"Cameron's whats wrong?" I asked him worried.

"Nothing... Ill be fine, Im just sick."

"Ok, Im going to cook you some breakfast  an get you some medicine and if your not doing better by 12 pm, Im taking you to the doctors." I explained.

"Ok." He said in between coughs.

I walked downstairs and went straight to the medicine cabinet, and grabbed him so ibuprofen. I grabbed him a glass of water and put them both on the counter. I grabbed him a bowl and a box of cereal and poured milk into it.

Cam came down looking a little bit better but his face was red. God I hope he's alright.   

"Here. Eat up. And when your finished go take a shower, and lay down to rest." I said with a small smile. But he did as told.

He walks upstairs and I heard the shower start. Good. I grabbed my phone and had a text message from Hayes, but I ignored it for now. I was worried about Cam. I walked over to the couch and turned the tv on.

I laid my head on the couch

I fell into a dark sleep.


I woke up to more puking and coughing. I walked over to my phone and saw that it was 2 pm. I called the ambulance and told them my address, and what was wrong with him.

The ambulance arrived and they put Cam in and I hopped into the back seat. Im scared.

We arrived at the hospital and they took him into the room, and when I tried to walk in they stopped me.

"But thats my brother..." I said angry.

"No visitors aloud Ms." The doctor said.

I walked over to the chairs and called Hayes.

He didn't answer. I called Nash, and he answered after 2 rings.

"Hey Mia whats up?"  He asked.

"Cam is in the hospital." I said.

"Wait what? Ill be theres as soon as I can." He said.

"No Nash! I told the doctor to call you if anything bad happens. He will be fine. If something bad happens you can come up here. And bring the boys. But Im positive he will be fine. Cams a fighter." I said smiling.

"Ok. But as soon as something happens Im over there no stopping me, ok?"

"Ok." I said.

I hung up, and sat down on my phone. What if something happens to Cam? What will I be able to do. He's my only family besides the boys. What will happen if Cam di-. Shut up Mia. Don't think like that. But I couldn't help but wonder.

Memories started to flood my mind.


"Cam can I please go with you?" I asked.

"Mia its only gonna be boys night."

"But Cam I always go places with you. Can we take Kayla."

"Mia no." He said.

I walked away and sat on the couch looking at the tv disappointed.

I felt arms wrap around me and lift me over there shoulder.

"Cam." I said giggiling.

"Lets zoom off into the sky." He said.

I was laughing uncontrollably.

I kissed Cam on the nose and he smiled and said I was the best little sister in the entire world.


I was 5 then. Cam was about 13, 14, or 15.

"Mia Dallas?" She said.

"Yes." I said walking towards the nurse.

"Cam has cancer. Theres a 50/50 chance he will survive this."

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