Chapter 21! Completed.

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** Mia pov**

I wake up to the nurse shaking me.

"Ms ms ms, he's awake.."

"He's awake"

Cameron! I got up almost pushing her out of the way and jolt to the hospital room. I walk into the room an see Cam staring up at the ceiling.

"Cam." I said running over to him.

"Hey Mia." His voice was a little raspy.

"Your alright." I said crying into his neck.

"Mia I heard what you said. I need to tell you something. Listen Mia... You have been the best little sister ever. When mom and dad died I didn't think I could take care of you. Sierra was away, and you wanted to stay with me. I was scared for my life. Man Iv raised you since I was 14. Nash's mom took us in.  She loved you. She said you were the cutest little thing she ever saw. Then we grew up. Then you were 10 and I was 17. I had a job and I couldn't be there for you all the time.  But I still tried. I would die trying. Then I turned 18 and I got our own house. You were a pain, in the ass your little smart mouth. Sometimes I wanted to lash out on you but I couldn't. Now your 14. You grew up so quick. I remember when I was just holding you in my arms at the hospital when mom birthed you. It feels like yesterday. Mia... I love you so much. If Nash comes and the boys tell them I love them too.  But Mia I will always be your big brother." He said smiling.

"I love you too Cam." I said crying.

"Im going to go to sleep." He said. His voice was weak.

"Ok. I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He called back.

I walked out of the hospital room and grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Hayes. No answer. I called Nash and he answered on the 3rd ring.

"How is he?" He asked immediately

"He's awake."  I said smiling.

"Omg good. Me and Hayes are at the airport now he's getting us some food. Ill be there in a day or 2. "

"Ok cool." I said.

"Excuse me miss!" And nurse said yelling at me.

"Hold on Nash." I told him through the phone.

"He's gone." The nurse said.

"He's gone"

I fell to my knees crying.

"noo." I yelled through tears.

I got up ran to the room. His body was turing blue and purple.

"Cam..." I said crying.

"Cam please come back. Don't leave me."

He's gone.

"He cant be gone he's all I have left! Noo omg this cant be happening. Its a dream. Im having a night mare make it stop. Please make it stop." I said on the floor crying.

"Mia...." I heard from the door.

I turned around saw Kayla at the door crying.

"Kayla he's gone." Kayla looked at Cams body and started to cry harder.

I couldn't deal with news like this. My brothers dead! No! Why? I thought he was strong enough. I was crying so hard. I flipped out and started to pace around the room. I got dizzy. The room was spinning. Then everything went


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