Chapter 4! Completed.

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* Camerons pov *

Its been 3 days and Mia still hasn't gained any memory so I think its best to tell her. Its weird. She remembers everyone else except Hayes, and she thinks our mom and dads alive. Wow.

I walk into Mias room and looked around. Her room neatly organized. Everything put into place. I walk over to her dresser and see a picture of her and I, our mom took it when I came home from a tour. She missed me so she jumped in my arms and hugged me. That was the best hug ever. Flash backs of when I told her I would be leaving flooded my mind.

flash back•

"Cam please don't leave." Mia cried. She was always with her big brother and it would feel weird not being with him.

"I have to Mia... Im sorry, but I will be back as soon as I can." Cameron said. His eyes started to get watery.

It was a connection they had. When Mia was 12 her brother started to get sick, with cancer. He would do to much and his face started to go red. It doesn't happen as much now it only happened when he was mad. But one day he almost died and when he got better he promised Mia he would always be by her side.

"But Cam you promised." Mia cried.

"Im so sorry. I love you Mimi.... Ill see you when I get back." Cam said. He left her crying in her sister Sierras arms. He felt so bad but he had to.

end of flash back•

I walked over to Mias bed and woke her up getting ready to tell her everything that has happened.

"Mia.... mimi get up." I shook her and eventually her eyes fluttered open.

"Cam... What do you want." She said in a annoyed voice.

"I need to talk to you about Hayes and mom and dad."

"Oh no. I don't want to talk about Hayes cam. I hate him. And whats to talk about mom and dad.... They died." She said her head low.

How did she know? Is her memory back?

"Mia whats the last thing you remember before you ended up in the hospital?" I asked her.

"Hayes calling me names, you hurting him and then us in a Limo. Why?"

"Your memory's back Mimi!" I was happy. I didn't want to tell her about mom and dad. She would start to cry and I don't want that.


* Mias pov *

After I finished talking to Cam I walked over to my friends house Kayla. I informed her on everything that has happened and she had a look of worry on her face.

"Are you ok, you know after everything?" She asked.

"Yes Kayla... Lol. Im fine." I responed. And that was the truth.

"Ok good! So my boy friend Jake will be over in about 5 minutes and we were going to get yogurt, wanna come?"

"Sure." I said.

"Ok good. Well Im going to get changed Ill be back down. If he knocks on the door please answer it and talk about whatever." She said.

Then she walked upstairs to go get changed.

I was watching a show of spongebob and I heard a noise at the door. Thats probably Jake.

I opened the door and a handsome boy was standing at the door. Wow Kayla has taste. Im proud.

"Hey beautiful. Whats your name?" He asked.

Wait what? Im so confused.

"Are you Jake?" I asked.

"The one and only. " he said with a smirk.

Wow he was cocky.

"Uhm well come in." I said.

He walked in and slammed me on the wall and started kissing me. What the hell!? I pushed him away.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I whispered/yelled.

"Don't tell Kayla or else." He threatened me.

Then Kayla walked down. She looked confused.

"Whats going on?" She asked.

I guess you could see anger on my face.

"Your b-" i was interupted.

"Nothing baby. Lets go shall we?" He said.

"Ok." She walked over and kissed him, and turned to me.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Uhm Im going to go home. Im sorry I have to go to dinner with Hayes." I lied.

"Ok ... Shoot babe hold on Im going to get my purse. Hold on." She walked away.

He walked over and grabbed my under areas and started rubbing it. I winced.

"Shhhh. Or ill hurt you." I kept quite. Ill tell Cam an Hayes later, I just need to keep quite so I can get out of here.

"Babe Im going to go to the bathroom ill be over in 10 minutes." Kayla said. Fuck! I thought.

"Ok!" He called back.

"Leaves us just enough time." He dragging me to the closet but I wouldn't go. He started to squeeze my hand and I know I would have a bruise.

He locked the closet and started to undressed me. I slapped him.

"stop!" He pulled out a knife and held it to my neck. "We have 5 minutes don't do anything stupid or Ill cut you." He said.

He started rubbing my area, and doing weird things. He stopped and punched me and I fell flat to the floor. I passed out and all I heard last is,

"She went home."


Sorry for adding drama too soon. Don't hate me.

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