Chapter 13! Completed.

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** Mia's pov **

I woke up in a white room. I look over and my hands are handcuffed to the bed. I started yanking my hands trying to free myself. Then someone walks into the room with a white coat on.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Your in the hospital bed sweetie."

"Is this really necessary." I asked while yanking the handcuffs hoping she will get the hint to take them off.

"I'm sorry but we can't right now."

"What wh-" and I was interrupted with a pain in my back.

"Ahhhh!" I started to wince in pain.

Then Cameron runs in the room worried.

"Cameron h help me." I yell in pain.

"Mia the pain you are feeling is because you were badly bruised. Your back is still moving on its own so you will be feeling some pain. It's moving into your correct shape. It's dislocated. It's like braces shifting into its regular form. I'm sorry but I am going to have to do this." She walks over and puts a needle into my arm. I started to choke and then black hits me.

** 2 hours later."

I woke up in my regular bed. Was this just a dream? I hope so. I thought to myself. And then I feel a sharp pain in my back, wait nvm.

Then Hayes walks in.
"Hayes?" I ask.

"It's me Mia. Listen I need to speak to you. I'm sorry for staring at the girl. The reason I did it is because I am a guy and you know how guys are. But I also know how girls are and if a guy was butt ass naked I know you would stare a little bit too. But Mia never mistake me for a cheater. I would never cheat on you because I wouldn't want you to do it to me. I love you Mia." And then he bent over and brushed his soft lips into mine.

He was right. I would stare if a guy was ass naked in front of me. But I would never cheat on him that's for one thing. I love him.

"I love you too Hayes." And then Cam walked in. Great. I thought to myself in a sarcastic tone.

"Please cam just save I-" but I was interrupted.

"No Mia listen to me. I made the mistake of bringing a girl here. I am supposed to be the responsible one. I should've been there to protect you. But I did find you. Lucky me lol. Mia I'm so so so so so so sorry. Please trust me. If I was ever going to sleep with a girl it will be in my bed, or a hotel, and if it's in this house you won't be here." I gave him the biggest hug. And then Nash walked in.

Nash! I wobbled on over to him and gave him the biggest hug ever.

"I'm the goody goody in this relationship I never make mistakes." He said smiling. Next thing I smell smoke coming from down stairs.

Then Nash breaks our hug and and runs downstairs. Hayes picked me up and walked me downstairs.

"Yea you never mistakes." I said mocking him.

The rest of the day consisted on us watching movies. We were now watching the notebook. I started to cry it was so sad. They died together and right before that they said "Can our love take us away together." And then they died in the bed together. I looked up at Hayes and saw he was crying to.

"I love you Hayes always and forever." I said.

"I love you too. Always and forever." And then he kissed me.

I snuggled up into him and fell asleep and felt his heartbeat moving. His warm chest. And then I let darkness take over me.

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