Chapter 5! Completed.

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* Mias pov *

I walked up to Hayes house and slammed on the door crying, I probably looked horrible right now. I needed to tell someone.

Hayes opened the door confused, and I understood why... I said I hate him, and now Im at his doorstep.

"Mia whats wrong?" He asked.

"Hayes please help me." I cry.

He holds out his arms and I jump in them crying into his neck, his shirt would be wet when this is over I know it.

He walks me over an sits me on the couch and Im now laying down my head in his lap and he's rubbing my hair.

"Please explain to me whats wrong." He says.

I decided to tell him before I never do.

"Remember Kayla?"

"Yes what about her?" He asks.

"Her boyfriend came and she was upstairs changing and he slammed me to the wall and started kissing me." I stopped, and looked at him he looked mad.

"Thats all?" He asked.

"No, he said if I told Kayla he would hurt me. Then Kayla went to go get her purse and use the bathroom an he took me to the closet and started undressing me and touching my area and he punched me in the face..." I said crying harder now.

He walked away and grabbed his phone and started to dial a number on a key pad, Cam Im guessing.

Nash walked downstairs and Im guessing he just woke up.

"Mia whats wrong." He asked.

Hayes got off of the phone and explained everything to him, an Nash ran upstairs and came back down and he was dressed. His face was mad red and he looked like he was crying, Cam walked in the house and saw Nash and looked confused.

"Nash whats wrong." He then looked at me and ran to me.

"Mia! Why are you crying?" He asked.

Hayes explained everything and Cam was mad, Cam then directed me to get in the car, so Hayes, Nash, Cam, and I were in the car and going to the yogurt place Im guessing.

We walked in the yogurt place and Kayla jumped up looking at me with a mad expression.

"Mia how could kiss my boyfriend!" She yelled.

"What!? He kissed me and touched me." I explained.

"Your lying." She yelled.

Cam and Nash saw Jake and slammed him on the wall, and everyone looked up at them some scared, and some taking out there phone recording. Hayes ran over and started punching jake.

Kayla jumped on me and tackled me to
The floor and starting hitting me. Then she touched something I hate when people touch.

"You touched my hair!!" I yelled.

I was furious.

I pushed her off of me and jumped on her and started punching her and then yanking her hair. Cameron dragged me off of her and I was still fighting.

I was crying so hard right now.

"C c cam! Why does this have to happen to me?" I cried.

"Idk mimi.... Comon lets go home."


The rest of the day consisted of Cameron and Nash Hayes and I watching movies and making vines, and youtube videos.

"Mia can I talk to you?" Hayes asked.

"Yea sure.." I said.

Me and Hayes were outside walking to the place we met. A tree. I met him here when my mom and dad died and he has been there for me ever since.

"Listen the reason I said that stuff to you at the hotel was because someone came up to me and told me to stay away from you or they would hurt you. I figured the only way to get you to stay away from me would be able to say those things. But the boy who said that was Jake. He hurt you anyways. I recognized him. Point is Mia I love you and I -" I cut Hayes off my smashing my lips to his.

We kissed for about 5 minutes and we then pulled away.

"I love you too." I said blushing.

He picked me up and we walked home an I fell asleep in his arms.


Yes 5 chapters already and they are exchanging "I love you's," but remember they knew each other for ALONG time. They didn't just meet. Lmao.

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