I have a youtube channel!

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Hello guys! Recently 2 weeks ago I think I started a YouTube channel and there are two videos up so far! (I posted a recent one yesterday) but the point is it would mean the world if you guys could take some time out of your day and subscribe to my YouTube channel!!! At the end of this authors note I will be providing my channel name and various ways to find it if it doesn't pop up. On another note... I'm still coming up with new ideas for a new fan fiction or Wattpad book. If you guys have any ideas that you want me to consider you can comment them and I'll see what I can do!

My channel name is @ Mia Forever.

If it's not popping up try searching

Mia Forever Some Beautiful Parts Of Pa

Thank you so much! It would mean a lot if you guys could subscribe to my channel and like my two recent videos!

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