Chapter 15! Completed.

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** Mias pov**

I woke up to a light flashing in my face. I open my eyes and see Hayes taking a picture of me. "What are you going to do with that picture Hayes?" I ask him.

"Go check your twitter." He said smirking.

I opened my twitter app and went to Hayes profile and saw a picture of me sleeping. It was captioned. "My princess alseep." I looked through the comments and most of them were nice. I had a couple hate saying I looked ugly, and the usual. I just shrugged it off.

"You ass." I said laughing.

"Yeah but Im your ass."

I just ignored him laughing, and walked to the bathroom to go take a shower.

I got out and let my hair just hang low, and then went to go change. I put on my "Cameron Dallas." Shirt, and some skinny jeans, and red vans.

I walk downstairs and see Nash, and Cam eating cerel. I went to pour me some and began eating.

"So Mia, you me Nash and Hayes are going to go paint balling in a little so go get everything you will need, we are leaving in 30 minutes." Cam said.

"Mkay." I said while eating.

I walked upstairs and saw Hayes putting his shirt on.

"Hayes lets go we are going paint balling." I told him.

"Ok babe." He said and walked downstairs.

I grabbed my pocket book and my Iphone and headed downstairs.

** In the car**

Omg they wont shut up. Nash and Hayes kept arguing about what? Idk! And Cam keeps yelling at the top of his lungs to Ariana Grande.

"SHUT UP!" I yell. And everyone fell silent.

"Thank you." I said.

"Bossy pants." Cam said.

"Nincompoop." Nash muttered.

"Ok babe." Hayes said.

I looked at Cam an I could see him eyeing Hayes through the drivers mirror thing, I rolled my eyes.

We arrived at the paint balling place and were now putting on our gear. The man already told us the directions so we knew what to do.

"Im on Mias team. Hayes and Nash you two are the same team." Cam directed.

"Ok." I said and went to go hide.

I was running and I had about 2 minutes to get prepared before the bell rings to play. Cam came over and told me the plan. I was ready.

The bell rang and I ran fast as hell to my position. I saw Hayes and shot twice but missed apparently.

Hayes shot at me but I ducked his shots.

I ran over to the next position and shot  Nash and put him down. Cam ran over and was about to explain something else when I got shot in the vest. I flew back words and Cam came over to me and looked up and saw Hayes shooting at him but Hayes is horrible at shooting so Cam took the opportunity and shot at him and put Hayes down.

** At McDonald's."

We were now at McDonalds and were eating some fries and I was getting sleepy. I asked if we could leave and the boys agreed. Thats a first. Cam picked me up and I placed my face in Cams neck and went to sleep.

** A couple hours later**

I was awoke up and Hayes was calling my name.

"Hayes what are you doing?" I asked.

"I couldn't fall asleep without your soft lips and without telling you I love you." He said with his eyes looking down.

I kissed him and said.

"I love you Hayes Grier."

He blushed and said the words I loved hearing.

"I love you too Mia Dallas."

And I went to sleep smiling.

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