Chapter 18! Completed.

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** Mias pov**

I woke up and I had a huge headache. I went to go get some Advil and take a shower. I shampoo and conditioned my hair, I then got out and blowed dried it. I combed through it to make sure there were no knots. I walked into my room and checked my phone before I got dressed. I called Hayes.

H| Hey Mia! I miss you. Whats up?

M| Hey I miss you too. And nothing I just wanted to see how everything is going. How is Sky?

H| Shes fine actually. We had so much fun. I hadn't realized how much I actually missed her. 5 more days until I get to see you again for the rest of the summer. I cant wait!

I sat on my bed and smilied.

M| I cant wait either. I miss you too much. I might start to cry when I see you again.

H| Don't cry. Because if you cry I cry.

M| Ill try not to.

H| Okay babe well I have to go. Im taking Sky to ballet practice. I love you.

M| I love you too Hayes. Bye.

H| Bye Mia.

And then I hung up. I walked to my closet and put on my "Whats good Miley." Shirt on and put on white crop top shorts. I slipped on my blue converse and put on Maskera and chapstick. I put my hair through a high ponytail and walked downstairs.

Cam was downstairs sitting on the couch.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Ready as Ill ever be."


We were in the car and everything was silent until I got bored and decided to speak up.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked him.

"Well Becky if you must know we are going to the water park." He said in a girl tone. I started to laugh.

"I don't even have a swim suit." I said.

"Got it covered." He said and pulled my two piece out from the back seat.

Good. I thought to myself.


Cam kept splashing water in my face and it was really annoying.

"Cam stop!" I yelled while laughing.

I closed my eyes and the splashing stopped. I opened them and Cam tackled me in the water. I got up and splashed Cam in his face.

"Haha." I mocked and laughed.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He replied.

We got out of the water and laid down on the chairs to get a tan.


We were now at Starbucks and drinking a iced coffee with a lot of sugar in it.

"So Cam. You miss Nash?" I asked.

"No." He said a looked down.

I know he really did. They are like brothers. When Nash isn't around Cam is just broody. One time Cam didn't see Nash for a week so he drove 5 hours to his house just to say "Hi." I miss Hayes. I would do anything to see him right about now. When Im not with him its like my life is incomplete. Crazy how he has that effect on me. I didn't think anybody would.


I was in my bed and Cam walked in.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"I do miss Nash. He's my best friend. And I know you miss Hayes too." He said.

I looked straight into his eyes. He is right.

"Your right. I do miss Hayes. I love him Cameron. Can you accept that?" I asked him. Im scared he might say no.

"Its fine. I know you love him. As long as he doesn't hurt you Im fine. Goodnight Mia. I love you" He said and walked out. I smiled. And I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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