Chapter 16! Completed.

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** Mias pov**

I woke up, and my stomach was hurting. Guess I wont be doing anything fun today. "Hayes." I whispered while shaking him.

"what?" He grunted back.

"My stomach is really hurting can you please get me some Advil so it will make me feel better?" I asked him.

He got up and walked out of my room, and returned with 2 Advil's and a glass of water. I plopped them in my mouth and checked my notifications on my phone.

I went to twitter and tweeted something to my fans.

"Sadly I wont tweet anytime today because currently Im feeling sickish. Love ya! ❤️😥💊" After I tweeted my twitter blew up so I exited the app. I went on Instagram an opened to dms.

"Omg I love you so much! How is it like being Cameron's sister?" One said. I replied saying.

"Its like having a older brother. Nothing different except some tours lol, I love you too."

The other dm consisted of saying I love you which I replied to. I looked through my messages and nothing was important so I decided to take a little nap. Hayes tried to kiss me but I slid my hand in between our almost colliding lips.

"Don't do that." I half whispered/yelled.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I don't wanna get you sick." I replied frowning.

"It will be the risk." And he pushed his lips on mine. He asked for entrance and I accepted and tugged on his hair and wrapped my legs around his waist. I pulled away and we both were breathing heavily.

I whispered in his ear

"Always and forever?" I asked.

"Always and forever." And I took my nap.

** 2 hours later**

I woke up and I felt just a little better. I walked downstairs but I started to feel dizzy. What the hell? I thought to myself.

"Cam." I said. I doubt he could hear me though.

I tried to grip onto the stair case but I missed and fell down the stairs. Next thing I heard was someone yelling my name, I just couldn't make it out.

*** 2 hours later***

I woke up and was in a new bed. I looked around and now I know where we are. The hospital again. Ughh!!!

"Cam." I called. Instead someone else walked in.

"Hello Mia how are you doing?" The nurse asked.

"Wheres Cameron?" I asked her.

"Ms he cant come in right now, I need to know how your doing first." She said.

"No! Cameron." I yelled.

"Ms please calm down." She said walking over towards me.

Look I know I might be over reacting,right now but in these situations Cam is always with me, and if he's not I tend to freak out.

"No I need Cam. Let me go!" I yelled as she started to push my body to the bed.

"Nooo! Cammm!" I saw him come in the room, and that was the last thing I saw before something was put in to my arm. And then blackness took over me.

My dream.

"please don't leave me!!! Wake up! You need to see me live my life! I need you! I love you wake up!! WAKE UP NO!" Then Nash dragged me off and started crying.

"He's gone. Nash! He's gone." I said crying into his shoulder.


I woke up panting. Who was that? Who died? What the heck. I decided to shrug it off. Its just a nightmare. Thats it right? No ones going to die. I cant predict the future. Ill be fine I just need to get some rest. I wont have that dream again I hope.

But I still couldn't help but wonder. Was it


Or Cameron?

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