Halloween Dance

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     A.N Feel free to Message me for ideas, and I want you all to know I felt such like a Narcissist while writing this whole story. Enjoy.

     It has been an long school year, but it is only october. I met Crona. He was an nice guy. I see Kid handing out a bunch of envelopes with party labeled on the front. He walks to me and hands me an envelope. He smiles and says "You should come to my halloween party. It will be a big throw out. With snacks and tons of fun. Plus as I hear it Tsubaki doesn't have an date there yet." I look at him with a questioning look. He winks as he goes to give an envelope to Maka. I see Tsubaki smiling as she walks to me. I stop her and ask. "Hey Tsubaki you know the Halloween party Kid is throwing?" She looks at me and says "Yea I hear it is going to be fun." I smile and brace myself for the words about to come out my mouth. I count to three then say "I was wondering, do you have a date?" She Blushes deeply and says in a low shy voice "I d-don't, w-why do you ask?" I grab her hand and say " I want to know if.. if you would do me the honor of being my date to the party?" She gives me a big hug and says "Of course I will William. Thank you so much!" She gives me a peck on the cheek then we go to lunch. The guys gave me a hard time about it.

Halloween. My favorite holiday. Scare people, have parties, and scary movies. I didn't know what to dress as so I dressed as a vampire. I always like the idea of a vampire. I heard that Kid was throwing a big party at his mansion. The outside was scary and littered with ghosts and Trees with toilet paper on them. It was dark like Halloween should be. I stand outside of the mansion gate. I see Kid and Maka arm in arm walking to the gate. Kid was dressed as a werewolf and Maka was dressed in a skeleton costume with makeup to match. "Hey William, I'm late to my own party" Kid walked in with Maka, but before they went in I caught a glimpse of them kissing. I basically got them together. I turn and see Stein dressed like (Sigh) Frankenstein's Monster. "Hey William, I had to come on Death's orders to make sure their is no drugs or alcohol involved with this party." I step back and say "Well you don't have to worry about me." He leans in and does his creepy smile "Good." While laughing he walks into the party. I see BlackStar enter the party dressed as a lion with Patty the Pig on his back. I then see Liz and Nori come in dressed as a devil and an angel. Before they enter I see Nori pinch Liz's butt.Then I see Soul dressed as a zombie and Blair dressed as a necromancer or succubus. Blair acting like Soul was under her control they walked inside. I finally see Tsubaki dressed as a pirate. "Hey Tsubaki, you look great." She looks up at me and starts to run. I put my arms out to lift her up and spin her. I can barely do it. She is not heavy just tall. I am only about 5'8. I put her down on the opposite side of me and I kiss her on the nose. She blushes and says "You are a rather handsome vampire." I laugh and reply with " and you are a rather beautiful pirate." We walk into the party through the entryway and see snacks and drinks on one end of the house and on the other end there is a dancefloor with Sid as a DJ. "Hey William." BlackStar runs up to me. He hands me some punch while leaning in to tell me "So, are you and Tsubaki a thing?" I reply "I don't know. I really like her, but I don't know how she feels." He laughs "You are kidding right? Dude, she is totally into you." As he says that I see Kid and Soul have been listening. Kid walks to me and whispers "You need to ask her to a slow dance, Her saying yes to going to this is a big hint. Everyone deserves a chance at love." As he says that he dreamily looks over at Maka. I say to kid "I will make you a deal, tell your feeling to Maka I will tell mine to Tsubaki." He agrees then soul says "Make sure to respect her being too clingy or too distant is not cool."

I walk behind Kid and stop when he gets about 2 meters of Maka. He grabs her hand and looks into her jade eyes he puts the other hand on her cheek and says "Maka I have never met someone as cute, smart, and funny as you are. I have developed strong feeling for you. I think that I.. No, I know for a fact that I love you." Maka started to tear up. Maka grabbed Kid and buried her face in his chest, and after a few seconds she looks up and kisses Kid. I walk away with a smile on my face. I see Tsubaki talking to a couple other female students. Right as I got a few feet from her a slow song plays. I walk up to Tsubaki and with a shallow bow and my right hand out I ask her "Will you join me for this song?" Tsubaki blushes and meets my hand and I walk her to the dance floor. I put my right hand on her hip and I meet her right hand with my left and lightly grasp it. It is a nice slow song. I think it was called 'Thinking out loud'. We sway left then right. "Thank you William." She says while grabbing my hand tighter. "For what?" "For introducing yourself." "Well I am glad I met such a nice and beautiful girl." She giggles and says "Well I am glad I met such a handsome man." I twirl her and when she comes back she puts both her hands around my neck and I put both of my hands on her waist. As the song goes on I see Kid dancing with Maka and we both gave a thumbs up. I see BlackStar look at me with approval. Towards the end of the song she moves in close with her chest on mine our noses meet and she smiles as she lets out a faint laugh. I hug her tighter and say "Tsubaki I need to ask you something." "What's that?" "I like being with you. You are beautiful and smart and so sweet, w-will you... be my g-g-girlfriend?" She lifts her head slightly and whispers "Yes, I love you William." She then grabs my back and I put my hands at her back and her head and move in as she does. Her head was tilted. I am so nervous. The only kiss I have had was a peck on the lips or the one at the party , but that doesn't count in this context. She is willingly going to kiss me. It takes a lot of trust to lower your guard like this. Our lips meet. Her lips were sweet and so soft. I could feel every part of her lips. Every line and bump. We pull apart.

As the song ends she grabs my hand and pulls me to where Kid and Maka are sitting. "Hey WIlliam thanks for 'you know what'." Kid whispers as I sit next to Tsubaki. Soul comes over with a few snacks and lays them at the table we were sitting at. I see Kid pick up a chocolate covered strawberry and feed it to Maka. I look at the dance floor to see BlackStar and Patty dancing to 'Turn Down for What'. I also see Blair grinding against Soul. I shudder a bit. I have never been a lustful person. I look back to Kid and see him playing with Maka's pigtails again. I feel an arm reach over my chest and a tight squeeze. Tsubaki was hugging me. I pull her to me and hug her back. "Tsubaki....I..love you." She uses my legs as support and kisses me. "I...love you too. I am happy with you and I always wanted something like this. You are sweet and so nice." We both tear up, but I shed the first tear and hug her and whisper in her ear. " I am glad I made you happy. You are very pretty and very kind." We pull apart as we hear a loud crash. I look from where the crash came from and I see Stein holding a Student's bag. Stein shakes the bag and a few bottles fall out. Stein the proceeds to drag him out of the party.

A couple hours later everyone starts to leave.I see Kid say goodbye to Maka with a light kiss. Soul is carrying Blair weddingstyle to a taxi. I also see Patty kiss BlackStar before he got in a taxi. Theyare a lot alike. Liz and Nori were still inside. The last I saw of him he wasgoing into Liz's bedroom. I grab Tsubaki's hand and I meet her chest with mineas I give her a kiss. I thought of a silly joke. "I am sorry for this. You lookso sweet" as I say that I gently bite her neck. She yelps from the shock. Ididn't hurt her. "Just as I thought, very tasty." She punches me softly andgives me a big hug. "I love you." She discreetly puts her phone number in myhand and winks. Just another day of Death City.

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