Summer Break: Part 3

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I like the park here. It is vast and there is a mystical cherry tree on a large hill in the middle of the park. We sit at the base of the tree and unpack the basket. We dig in. After I take a bite I look at Tsubaki who is staring at the tree. I laugh and tell her about the tree. "This is the mystical cherry tree. When it blooms it is the most beautiful thing in the city. It is rumored that a Great War was fought here. Two empires were at war. One day the princess from the western village picked the cherries here. The King's very trusted general from the eastern village came to practice his martial prowess. The princess was high in the tree when the general walked by. The princess saw him and yelled 'Please sir can you help me down?' The General looked at her and said 'Jump for it I will catch you!' She was scared and replied 'Are you sure you will catch me?' The general nodes and said 'Yes you can. I will catch you.' She went to jump, but slipped. The general, thinking fast, ran to her. With a leap the general caught the princess. She brushed her hair out of her face and looked at the brave man that caught her. The General was stunned by her beauty. The princess was helped up by the general. The general bowed and asked the beautiful stranger 'Are you hurt ma'am? It would bid me Ill to see such a stunning damsel hurt.' The princess was impressed and shyly said 'A...Thank you sir. If it wasn't for you I might have fallen and been hurt. Oh. Where are my manners? Are you ok sir?' The general looked up and said with a kind and soft voice 'Any day I can rescue a beauty is a day without damage to me.' The princess smiled and walked off. The general stopped her by saying 'Will I see you again?' The princess looks back with a slight blush. The general realized how imposing the question was a begged 'My apologizes. I just..' The princess giggled and said 'Meet me here in two days time.' She then walked back to her castle. The general now lovestruck ran back to his King telling him about his encounter with this beautiful stranger. The King agreed to let him go to see her in two days. When the time came the princess sat at the edge of the tree with a basket full of delightful foods. The general came with flowers from the royal gardens hid behind his back. The princess waved to get his attention. When he came within arm's reach he handed her three white roses. The princess with a big smile accepted them and with a long smell set them down. The general helped the princess with the unpacking of the basket. In front of them sat enough to feed a small militia. The princess proudly ate her food while the general not knowing of his presence in royalties company ate without manners. The princess stared at him with disbelief the general ate like a proper general should after that which made the princess laugh. The general ate the rest of his meal embarrassed. After the meal they walked along the nearby lake. They both thought that the war was ignorant. In their conversation the princess slipped into the lake. Drenched the princesses sat up. The general couldn't keep his laughs in. The general grabbed her hand and was surprised when the princess pulled him in with her. They both share a laugh and dry themselves. They soon departed, but not before the princess asks 'Sir. If I may ask, could you come closer?" The general leans in and the princess kisses him. She ran off without giving a glance at him. The general now even more in love returned to his King. The princess however was captured by the general's special forces. Once returned the princess confessed her identity and demanded to be let go. The general was right outside when she said this. He released her and with no fights they returned to the cherry tree. They didn't know what to do. They were soon captured, but there stories carried throughout both kingdoms. The general's top commander left with their soldiers and the princess's did the same. They were broke out and with inspired citizens from both empires set up a few small building near the cherry tree. The western king without his citizens and daughter and the eastern king without his army both crumbled. Now the city around us was built. This city was built from love. Forbidden love in fact." I look at Tsubaki who is staring at me with awe. I laugh and say "That's what they say anyway." She hugs me and says "That was a very nice story. I really enjoyed it. Thank you." I hug her back and say "They also said that nothing could compare to the beauty of the princess. They were surely wrong as I can see." I am now looking a blushful Tsubaki. I laugh and suggested "We should really pack up. It is getting dark." She nods and we rush back home.

When we arrive home we both head to my room. She sits on my bed and we talk for a while. Sometime throughout our conversation I layed my head on her lap looking up at her. I see a small flash come from the door. I look at my door to see Marcy with a camera. She giggles and runs off. I decide not to go get her. Tsubaki laughs and asks "You must absolutely love your sister. right?" I reply "Yes. I love her so much. We may fight sometimes , but I will always be there for her." She looks at her watch and says "It is almost past curfew. I will see you in the morning." She gets up and walks out, but before she walks out I grab her arm and kiss her. It was one of the most passionate we have had. She blushes and walks to her room. Marcy saw the whole thing and yelled "Tsubaki and William sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I laugh and run after her. When I catch her I tickle her. She squirms and says "Hahahaha. Please stop! Haha. I'm sorry. Hahahaha." I let her go and head back to my room. I lay down and sleep. 

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