Spiders and Ex Girlfriends Equally Demonic

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I am packing my bags when Nori walks into the room. I glance at him for a second before going back to packing my bags. He sits on my bed by my luggage. He looks at my things before speaking "Hey. What is all this stuff for?" I shove my toothbrush into my bag. "I need to get home. I had a terrible dream." I knew it sounded like I was paranoid. I zip my bag and grab another as I say "Do you think you could come too?" He goes to his room saying "Give me a sec to pack. We both finish packing and go to the bus stop. We will arrive in a day or so. On a train there we both sit down and order food. Nori looks at me asking "Do you feel that?" I look at him and start to feel the presence of a kishin. I get up and walk with Nori to the next car. As soon as we open the door we see a guy with a longsword swing at a passenger. I tackle the kishin. He kicks me off and Nori lands in my hand. I take a long breath. I stab the kishin in the arm. He pulls away and slaps me in the face. I am taken back as he points at me and wags his finger seductively. I giggle a bit as Nori bursts into laughter. We just couldn't help it. He charges at me and I thrust my sword into his stomach and twist yelling "Soul Resonance!" Flames engulfed him. He yells and disappears leaving his soul. I swallow and catch my breath. Nori eats the soul with a bulge in his throat. We sit back down and continue our journey. I see my house not far from here.

I see Marcy outside playing. I wave yelling "Marcy!" She looks up at me and smiles. She runs at me yelling "William. I'm glad you're here." I hug her and Nori says "Hi I'm Nori. William's friend." After we make conversation Sarha calls me to the other room. She whispers "Did you have a strange dream?" I tell her about she sighs and says "A spider witch is near. I need your help. I think I know where he is. He is in the sewers. I need you and Nori to investigate." I don't think about it much, but I have arachnophobia. I really freaking hate spiders. I freeze up and freak out. I tell Nori and we both head for the sewers after eating a light lunch. We open a sewage drain.

I tighten my grip on Nori's handle about 15 feet in. I see a big spider sitting about 40 feet away. It scaring the living hell out of me. Nori starts to sting my hand. He says "Hey don't worry. You got this." I calm down and the stinging stops. I yell and charge at it. It looks about 3 ½ feet tall. I slice it in half as it jumps at me. I yell "Oh my fu- son of a - damn this scares me." I walk deeper and see a hoard of spiders. About 30 of them. I freeze and nearly piss myself. I yell "Nori Soul Resonance!" We set them all ablaze and I start to get braver with my attacks. I ended up squashing one with my shoes and and cutting one open by the sac. One of them jump on me and tried to bite my face. I held it off and screamed. I shove it with my knee and get up. It jumps at me again and i hit it so hard it exploded. I was covered in guts. "I think I'm going to hurl." I keep it down and i start to go deeper. We come to this large dome like room where I see a muscular witch with a dark frilly costume. I puke. I say "Shoot. I'm scared." I charge and he blocks it and pushes me against the wall hard. I fight my way to my feet. I see him cast a spell and a bunch of spiders jump at me. I hit one and it exploded. Oh shit. The ones that missed made me dazed, but the last one got me right in the chest. I drop Nori and feel out of control. I run and kick the witch in the face. A pool of blood comes from his face and I gain my control and grab Nori. I stab the witch in the heart and twist yelling "Soul resonance!" The witch sets on fire and Nori eats it. I stop. "Aren't you a Death Scythe now?" I say as I turn to him. He says "Nope, I need 32 more kishin souls." Hmm. I'm getting close then." We walk out stepping over spider corpses. We get home and I see Sarha outside. I wave as she waves back. I grab a shower and change clothes. I head to the mailbox as I see Cassy walk to my direction. I sigh and say "Hey Cassy." She runs to me and gives me a huge hug. I laugh and say "Why so friendly?" She says "I heard about you and Tsubaki. I'm sorry that things turned out that way." I hug her back and say "Me too." My face is in her chest. I don't care much anymore. We talk about thing and she wants to see my band play sometime. I invited her to a concert next friday in death city. She kisses me on the lips and walks away. She tastes so sweet, and her body is so full and.....and what the hell am I thinking! 

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