Summer Break: Part 4

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I wake up to find Kid hovering over me. We stare for a bit until I say "What are you doing here?" He laughs and replies "Everyone is here even Stein." I just say "Shit! He sees almost everything. He better not say anything to my mom." I run downstairs and see everyone laughing and chatting. It was quite peaceful. I sit by Maka and Stein. I whisper "I beg you not to say anything to my mom about the thing." He teases me by saying "I have no idea what you're talking about." I eat my food and we all chat about how they got up here. They took a bus. I might not hate this. We all agree to go to the market to shop for god knows what. We all split up. I head out with BlackStar who goes into a candy store. Shit. Dalton and his goon are walking up to me. I also see Stein and Kid walking up to me. I go to walk away when Dalton grabs my shirt and slams me against the wall. I grin and say "You are so getting your ass kicked." He is a bit shocked and hits me in the stomach. As soon as he did Stein grabs his wrist. He says "Is there a reason why you hurting one of my star pupils?" Dalton says "This is none of your damn business." He hits stein in the chest and frees himself. BlackStar coming out of nowhere grabs one of the goons and slamming his face in the ground. Kid hits another with his elbow knocking him out. Stein grabs a goon in front of him and shocks the hell out of him. Stein laughs and says "Don't worry. Only one broken rib. Any more and it might not be self defense. It would be a serious ass-kicking." I punch Dalton in the face and knee him hard in the stomach. He doubles over in pain. We all walk away. Stein asks "Hey William. Are those the bullies Tsubaki told me about? From yesterday?" I nod and Kid says "Anyone who messes with you messes with us. We will not stand for that!" I thank him as BlackStar says "About time I showed the lowlifes of this town who's boss!" I laugh as we catch up with everyone else. I almost forgot to buy Tsubaki chocolates. On our way home I tell Tsubaki to close her eyes and open her mouth. I feed her chocolate and caramel. She says "Yum. Thank you very much. These taste awesome you should eat...ah...This one!" She feeds me one labeled birthday blast. Very good. "Hmm." I hear Marie say "Aww you guys are so cute." I blush and reply "So are you and Stein. I mean come on we all heard you guys at the lounge." She scoffs "Oh whatever! Like I would like him." I laugh and see Kid and Maka hand in hand. Now that is cute. When we arrived at my house I saw a cute store full of cute animals. I texted Sarah and asked if I could buy a hamster for Marcy. She had an unused cage. She agreed after some coaxing. I told everyone else to go ahead. I got a box with holes and bought it. It was a bit expensive. I walk back home being cautious with him. I feel a strong tug on my shirt and a knife to my neck. I dropped the hamster and was pushed against a wall. I see some guy yelling "Give me your money! Punk!" He searches my pocket and tears out a necklace. It was the one I gave to Tsubaki. When did I get that? He pockets it. I beg "Please anything but that." I reach for it and we tussle. He has the knife inches away from my stomach and I can't hold it off. He stabbed me...three times. I feel a sudden rush of cold. I fall to my knees as he runs off. I get up and make it to the hamster and see a little kid staring at me in shock. I speak weakly "G-Get help. Please. I-I need you t-to be brave. G-Get a a-adult. I-I." I nearly faint I hear her scream "Daddy. Someone needs help. Daddy!" I sit up and see an older man knee near to me talking into a phone "Please send an ambulance. We got a stabbing. He is bleeding out. Please send one fast." I start to pass out when I feel a couple light slaps he is yelling "Come on! Don't pass out. Stay awake." I open my eyes and see Tsubaki sitting in front of me. I see that she is fading away trying to reach for me. I-I...I can't die like this! Not before I get married and raise kids. Before I have a successful career. A rush of adrenaline courses through me. I open my eyes and see a ambulance rush to me. They put me in a stroller. I manage to say "Get" The driver off the ambulance picks it up and assures me "We will keep this safe trust us. You will see it at the hospital." I give him a painful smile before I pass out.

I open my eyes and hear a heart monitor. I also see a IV. I see Stein sleeping sitting on my left and Tsubaki on my right. I see that it has only been a few hours since I last checked. I hurt. My stomach and side. I laugh painfully. I hate you fate. I see Tsubaki wasn't asleep, just reading a book with a few dry tear marks down her face. She gasps and kisses my cheek. I start to cry. I lost her necklace. She worries and asks "What! Are you okay does it hurt?" I hold her hand "I I'm so s-s-sorry. I-I. He took the necklace. T-the one I have you. I let him take it. I'm so sorry. I wish I got it back. Please f-forgive m-me." She starts to cry "I don't give a damn about that necklace. As long as you are alive I would give up anything." I wipe away some of her tears. I see Stein has woken. He puts his phone up and says "I just texted Sarah they are a block away getting food for everyone." I smile and say "Thanks Stein. I don't suppose you operated on me?" He laughs and said "I volunteered, but they said no. It would have been good stitch you up though." A few minutes go by. Marcy nearly knocks off the door hinges off she hugs me and with tears said "I'm glad your awake I missed you!" I laugh and point to the box by my bed and say "I got you a little friend." She opens the box and bursts into tears. She picks the hamster and says "Your name is Lucky." She kisses Lucky and puts him back in the box. She hugs me again and says "Thank you so much. You are the best brother ever." I kiss her head and see Kid crying. He wipes away his tears and says "I'm glad it didn't stab too deep. I'm just glad you made a recovery." Maka lays flowers on the table next to the box and says "Get well soon ok. We need our William up and happy again." I thank her and see Patty talking to Marcy. I ask "Where is BlackStar?" Kid laughs and says "Yeah about that. He went a little berserk and tried to find the mugger. He knows about the necklace and used that to try to find him. He was really pissed." Wow. I ask "Does he know I'm okay?" Stein laughed and said "The first thing that came out of his mouth was 'That won't kill that badass. He will be fine. I gotta find that asshole and make him apologize.' I might also add he broke a fire hydrant by kicking it." I laugh and hear a small crash at the door. I see BlackStar holding the mugger by his hair. He beat the hell out of the mugger. BlackStar smiles and said "Glad you're awake. This asshole as something to say." He throws him on the ground and says "I'm sorry." BlackStar stomps on his back making him kiss the floor. BlackStar says "I didn't hear you!" He yells "I'm sorry sir!" BlackStar hands his limp body to a police officer. BlackStar throws the necklace at me and says "This fell out of his pocket when I hung him from a telephone pole." He winks and sits across the room. I look at Tsubaki and gesture her to bow her head. I put her necklace on and brush her hair back. I kiss her and sit back up. A doctor comes in and walks to the edge of the bed. The doctor had a sad face. He said "I am sorry sir. Even though your operation was a 100% success you will have to eat very lightly. For snacks and stuff eat some applesauce." I hate this. I have to stay in observation for a couple weeks. I told everyone that they were free to leave and free to come see me again. In about a week everyone left hoping to see me at Death City soon.

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