Witch Trouble, How many?

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 A.N First paragraph. Almost nude. Watch it dude. Sorry.

Nori and I finally got an apartment together. He works as a waiter while I started as a cook. I got some skills from Tsubaki. I Am tired only 7:00pm. Ugh. It is a saturday. I wonder what BlackStar is doing. I decide to make a short stop by. I knock on the door which opens. I sneak in and hear Patty scream. "Ow. Not so rough. It hurts when you suck so hard." I was in such shock I turn around and walk out the door. I get to the end of the hall when I see Tsubaki carrying groceries. I grab a couple of bags and say "Hey Tsubaki. It is nice to see you." She smiles and says "You too. It has been a while." When we get close to the door I say "Wait. I knocked earl" I am cut off by Patty's screams "Oh BlackStar!" She opens the door and says "BlackStar make sure you put theses groceries up. I'll see you later. Wear a condom." He says "Yea yea. I know that.....Now."We leave and head to my Apartment. She is allowed in until 8:00. I open the door and see that Nori has left. She sits on a chair as I go to our fridge/kitchen. I grab some rice balls and we chow down. We talk about school and BlackStar's sexy time with Patty. "Yeah. This is like the 3rd time they have done this. I'm a little envious." I feel like crap now. I put my head down and close my eyes. She looks up and says "Uhh..I didn't mean it like tha." I cut her off with a kiss that she returns. I break the kiss and say " I'm sorry I haven't.....uh....Any time you wanna do it, I think I am ready. I know that last time I" was nervous. But now I think we can do this. Tsu" She shhes me, gives me a devilish smile and winks. I pick up what she is saying and whisper "Now?" She nods as I lock the door and pick her up wedding style to my room. I place her gently on the bed. I turn off the light, draw the curtains and put a hat on the door. I look back at Tsubaki who is now laying on her back beckoning me in a sensual way. I put on a sexy smile and crawl over her. She seemed to enjoy it. I pin her down and kiss her from her hand up her arm and on her neck. When I give her neck a slight nibble she moans and flips me on my back. She assaults my mouth with vigorous kisses. She straddles me. I look at her. So dominant and beautiful. I run my fingers up her legs and get to her shirt. I shyly look at her eyes for a sign to go ahead. She nods and I put my fingers up her shirt. I grab her shirt and pull it over her head. When her last hand gets free I am surprised by another kiss. I get up and push her against the wall and kiss her again. She puts one leg around me which I rub up and down and pinch her butt. She laughs and says "Oh. Someone feeling sexy huh?" I reply with "I thought you might get a kick out of it. I know it felt good on my end." We giggle as I nip lightly at her exposed collarbone. She moans and pushes me back on the bed. She goes to straddle me again, but I turn her on her back and rub my hands down her sides. She yelps and with a smile says "Fighting for dominance? How adorable. I will let you take it from here." I get to her pants and reach for the buttons. I fiddle with them quite nervously. Damn I look like a fool. She sits up and pulls me in for a hug. She calms me by saying "Hey. Calm down and take things slow. Remember to have fun while doing this. I trust you. Take your time and know that if you mess up I love you and we can do it fifty thousand times until we get it perfect." I don't feel nervous anymore. I smile and whisper "Thanks. Tsubaki. We are about to have the time of our lives." We both giggle as I go back to her pants and undo the buttons. I pull them down and see her very cute pink and white laced panties. I move back up to her face and say "Very cute underwear you got. I am a bit flustered." I smile and she says "Well you can see a lot more if you" I kiss her again and go to unhook her bra. BLAM! Stein charges in the door and yells "Get your cloths on love birds! We are under attack." We both gasp when he enters, but as soon as he said that my 6th sense kicked in and I felt the presence of at least 400+ souls. It scared the hell out of me. We all stare for like 5 seconds before I say "Stein? Like 2 minutes would be good here." He nods and leaves. Tsubaki gets her clothes on and we all go see what's going on. Tsubaki was red as a rose.

When we get outside we see all kinds of witches and kishin's. Stein yells to people getting ready to fight "This is a well organized attack. All lower level meisters take out the kishins Team alpha and the main staff will go after the witches. Remember to watch each others backs and stick with a group. Now, Let's give em hell!" Everyone cheers and rushes to a big group of kishins. Stein then wields Spirit and yells "Team Alpha on me." That meant our little group. I see kid wielding his weapons. The one in his right hand is a little big around the clip. It must be Liz. I see Nori rush to me and transforms. I catch him a look over to see BlackStar wielding Tsubaki. Maka yells as a group of kishins and witches come to us "Kishin Hunter!" She kills almost all of them leaving us a few stragglers. She may be innocent but she can sure kick ass. I cut two in half with one sweep. I then hear a scream of a little girl. I look behind me and see Kiku being dragged off. Just then I Feel a rageful wavelength hit me and makes me angry. I run at the Kishin and hit him with all my might. I grab Kiku before she hit the ground. She was crying. Nori transformed and hugged her saying "Hey. Hey. Stop crying its over now." She sobs and says "Miss Marie...(sniff) she was taking the kids w-when I fell...(sniff). I w-was scared." We comfort her and she says "Can I just go with you guys?" After some coaxing we give in. I wield Nori in my right hand and Kiku in my left. I run at a few more kishins killing 2 with Kiku and using Nori to block. I see death wiz by with a reaper chop. I catch up with Kid and help him with a witch. He shot at her distracting her while I attacked her back. The soul sits there while we go to kill another. We don't have time to collect them. "Oww." I feel a sharp pain in my back. I turn and see a knife. I pull it out and kill the Kishin that did it with one stroke. After 10 more minutes of fighting we finally cause about 100 of them to retreat. I let Nori and Kiku transform while we help any injured. A couple cut arms but nothing too serious. I carried one kid who strait fainted after they left. He pushed himself too hard. I put him on a nursing bed and go to Death's room. I see the gang is here. I walk up the stairs and see Stein slam his palms on the table. " Those bastards. How dare they attack us on our turf. The injured us. Not just physically. Now the students will question their safety. They will pay. I say we kick their ass!" Death in a much lighter tone says "I agree, but we can't just charge them. We don't even know where they are." Stein sighs and clicks his screw. While they made battle plans I checked up on Tsubaki. I place my hand on her cheek and the other one on her shoulder and ask "That was rough are you okay?" She Hugs me and says "Just a headache....Why are your clothes wet." Just as she said that she lightly touches the wound. I wince in pain and pull back. She gasps and then apologizes. "I guess I will see the nurse. Bye guys!" Kid places my arm over his shoulder for support. When we get there he gives me a hug and a smile. He walk off and says "Sorry that you got cut off from Tsubaki by this attack." I go to say something ,but he is too far away. How come everyone knows about that. Stein! 

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