Godchildren and Guitar Solos

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I arrive at my apartment. I open it and see Liz, Nori, and my god children. I get to feed Henry. After a while they both take the babies to Liz's house. Before Nori leaves he turns and says, "Hey, some delivery guy came by today. He had something for you. I laid it on the bed." I go to my room and see a Guitar on my bed and a amp to match. I read the letter that was on the Guitar. 'Hey son. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you when you visited. I had to do some Death Scythe business. I hope this makes it up. Your loving father.' Hell yeah. I plug it up and tune it. I play it lightly. I play a bit of 'Black in Black'' and I hear a knock my bedroom door. It was Kid. He laughs and said "That was you! When the hell did you learn to play like that?" I blush a bit and say "It was a little something I picked up through junior high school." He smiles and says "You need to come to the band room after school ok!" I agree. After school I stop by and see a beautiful guitar plugged into a amp. It looks like Kid had a field day on it. Perfectly symmetrical. It had a post it that said go ahead I will be there soon. I turn it on and give it a few light strums. I grab a book and read one of the songs. "Oh yeah. I remember 'I'm just a kid.'" I laugh and began to play it. It was easy since I knew it from before. I even sing along. I play it with only a couple wrong cords. I sit down and drink some water. Wait...There is a mirror. It is transmitting me. I look out the hallway and see that every mirror is transmitting me. Kid! I go to unplug the guitar and leave. When I get outside I see a bunch of people rushing to me. I run and find my way to my house. I hear stuff like 'Hey rock star don't leave yet!Encore. Play some more. Sign my notebook! Let me watch you.' I sit on my couch and hear Kid walk to me from the bathroom. I walk up to him. He laughs. I throw my hands in the air. "Why Kid? Now the school know that I dabbled In guitar. Everyone thinks I'm good." He can do nothing but laugh. I ask him "You know how to play drums right?" He sits up saying "Yeah. So? It isn't as impressive considering that I'm Death's son." I had an idea. "We should start band." He says "Hmm that's not to bad of an idea." I call up our little group. BlackStar can play bass. Tsubaki is learning piano. Patty can play stuff like the violin and triangle. Liz has some vocal train as well as electric guitar. We can switch out according to the gender of the singer. And Nori is awesome at mixing sounds. Let's do this. Kid's place has a room that we can use. We all have our equipment. I see that we all have a substantial amount of talent it makes me really happy. Since we have to resonate as a team our sound blends together well. We pick a song called 'Awake and Alive'. Once everyone had their note down we tried and play it. Tsubaki and I would sing it. I had no trouble with pitch, but my volume was a bit low. We practice for several days just for fun.

Everyone is at Kid's to practice except for Liz. She busts down the door yelling "Guys look at this poster. There Is a talent show a month from now." We all gather around her looking at the poster. I say "We are totally gonna enter our band!" We all cause a bit of ruckus I grab a guitar and do a guitar solo for fun. I am pumped. We practice intensely for the week. We even had a couple people sit outside and listen. The month goes by fast.

We are backstage making sure everything is good and tuned. I see Tsubaki running around like a lunatic. I stop her and I ask "Hey. Are you okay?" She nearly cries "I-I am

So nervous. I n-never performed like t-this." I hug her and say "It's ok. Your singing is the best I ever heard. You'll kill the judges with you awesome vocals." She laughs and the announcer calls us. "For your next act we introduce you to Team Alpha. They will be singing 'Awake and Alive' by Skillet. I have to improvise until they hook everything up behind me. The curtains are drawn back and Liz fiddles with the guitar. I grab the mic "Hey. How are you doing guys? Sorry for stalling our equipment had an oops. Liz you plug it into two not one." She goes to playfully flip me off, but settled for a thumbs up. I laugh and say "Ok. Ready? I will be singing with my beautiful girlfriend Tsubaki." She waves. " Death the Kid on drums!" He nods. "Liz on guitar." She makes a rock and roll hand gesture. "Patty on Violin!" She sticks her tongue out. "BlackStar on bass." He gives a

Thumbs up. "Nori our Sound Guy." He Puts both arms out soaking all his glory "And me, William singing." I give everyone a reassuring nod. Stein dims the lights and puts a spotlight on me and Marie puts the other on Tsubaki. Kid hits his sticks together. 1..2..1..2..3..4. The violin and bass is accompanied by the guitar and drums. I sing. Tsubaki follows me perfectly. It goes without a hitch. On the second chorus we come face to face. When I start to repeat 'waking up' I turn away. We stand a few feet away not looking at each other as we complete the following verse. I start to cry. Good thing it didn't effect my voice. When we hit the guitar solo I kiss Tsubaki on the head. When we get to the end of the last chorus I fall to my knees. When I finish we end it with her hugging me from behind. The lights dim and we hear claps and cheers. We line up and the lights come back on. We all take a bow and we exit covering our instruments with the curtains. We go backstage where we all high five and hug each other. I pick up Tsubaki and spin her and kiss her. "Tsubaki you were amazing out there. I mean amazing." I could still feel tears. She has a mile wide smile. I felt a little tired and a lot of adrenaline. We stand out on stage with the other acts. "Third place: The Kin fu masters. Second: The Delin brothers and First Place and the winner of a whole week of WaterPark mania with no school is. Drumroll please. Team Alpha!" I see Nori bro hug BlackStar. I see Liz and Patty High five. Kid kisses Maka as she runs from the stands. I feel a tap on my shoulder. Tsubaki says "That was awesome. You sang perfectly. I fell a bit behind." She blushes and I say "You killed them. And if you ever did fall begin go can always pick you up." I pick her up wedding style. She yelps then smiles brushing hair out of her face. I laugh and kiss her. Stein walks up to me and I put down Tsubaki. He laughs and says "That was some good work if kid didn't set you up to play in front of the school then you couldn't have been here. Have you noticed anything about Tsubaki she seems kinda off." I shake my head and reply "No i haven't I'll ask someone else." I walk to Kid. He faces me and offers his hand "Good job!" I grab his hand and hug him. "Kid, Thank you." He laughs and says "Go and play a victory solo while everyone is here!" I nod and run to the electric guitar and play from a verse from 'Welcome To My Life'. I laugh and we all help clean the small auditorium. BlackStar walks to me "Do you know a ki named Michael? He has been seducing Tsubaki lately. I take Tsubaki home. We made jokes and had fun. I get behind her and rub her shoulders. She moans and says "That feels good." I giggle and continue until my hands tire. I sit and she immediately attacks me. She is sitting in my lap kissing me. I draw her into a hug. I fall on the ground on top of her. I had both my hands on her chest. She says "Let me go already! You win. Hahaha." I say "I don't know if I want to." I squeeze my hands a bit. She whimpers and squirms. I tickle her sides. "Hahahahaha!" We stop and play fight to the bed. I slam her down and hover over her. I kiss her and lay on top of her. She easily flips it and falls asleep on me. I sleep soon as well. A lot less invested than usual. Oh well.

A.N The next part will be kinda sad, but happy. I get to introduce a character. 

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