Summer Break: Part 1

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At last summer and I get to go to the beach and be lazy. Yeah right. Tsubaki wants to meet my parents. I hope this ends well. I get to the bus stop on the outskirts of my hometown. I sit down with Tsubaki. She grabs my hand and says in a low voice "Thank you so much for inviting me to your house I can't wait to meet your mom and dad." I laugh and say "Just wait till you meet my sister." She gasps and with a smile asks "You have a sister?" I giggle and Nod. "She is young. She turned 9 this year. " She squeals and asks a lot of questions. I told her that she didn't want to be a meister and had no weapon form from our dad. She likes cute stuff like teddy bears, makeup, dolls, and stuff like that. The bus arrives and we sit next to each other after paying the fee. I recognize the girl behind us and duck my head a bit. Tsubaki whispers "What are you doing you look suspicious." I blush and say "My ex is behind us. Cassy. She was the girlfriend from hell.She never really let me go. She thinks we are still a non relationship 'Item'. We broke up twice because she cheated on me twice." She turn around to take a look. "Oh. I can take care of that." She grabs my ear and pulls me up and makes me look at her. I see Cassy in the corner of my eye. She goes to wave, but stops when Tsubaki slams her lips into mine. I blush and close my eyes enjoying the kiss. Cassy hides behind her seat. I see a very evil smile on Tsubaki's face. She giggles and faces forward again. We reach a bus stop that is only a couple blocks away from my house. I help Tsubaki off and lead the way to my house. We hold hands until I see my mom waiting outside. I wave and she waves back. I run to her and give her a big hug. I go to introduce Tsubaki when my mom says "You must be Tsubaki. I've heard so much about you. You are even prettier in person. I'm Sarah." The exchange handshakes and we make ourselves comfortable. I sit at the opposite end of the couch that Tsubaki was sitting on. Sarah walks in with a camera and says "Come on guys. You can sit closer than that." We both sit closer but not touching each other. Sarah grabs my arm and puts it over Tsubaki's shoulder. I start to turn red, because I never done anything even remotely romantic in front of my mom. She smiles and takes a picture then she says "Ok now kiss her on the cheek." I am still blushing. I look at Tsubaki who is also blushing. I kiss her cheek and hear another click. I look back at Sarah who is smiling. I ask "Where is Marcy?" Sarah replies "Oh she is at a friend's birthday, but she would be home soon." As if on cue the door slams open and shut again with my little sister Marcy running to me. I kneel and catch her hug. She yells. "Brother. I missed you so much. I can't wait to.....Who are you?" She looks at Tsubaki who waves and says "I'm Tsubaki. William's friend." Marcy is smart as well as cute. She says "Why would he bring a friend from the Academy and a girl at that. Oh. You are his girlfriend." Tsubaki blushes and says "Yep you caught me." Marcy laugh and says to me "You are lucky. She is beautiful." I laugh and say "She sure is." Marcy grabs Tsubaki's hand and says "Do you wanna see my dolls?" Tsubaki smiles and says "Why not? Let's go." They run off to their room. Sarah asks me "Hey help me make some food for your...Tsubaki."

I help her cook and go get Tsubaki and Marcy. I get close to their room and hear them talking. "So are you and William married?" Tsubaki giggles and says "No. Not yet anyway." Marcy asks "Are you guys going to have kids?" Tsubaki says "Maybe someday." I decide to stop eavesdropping and walk in "Time for diner!" They both get up, but Marcy sprints to the dining room passing me. We sit around a table and eat. We talk about the past school year. I then hear Sarah say "Tsubaki we prepared a guest room for you when you want to sleep." She leans in so only Tsubaki and I hear. "You can be together till 9:30. Then you have to be together in my vision or in your own rooms." I blush and say "Mom!" Tsubaki giggles and says "Will do." I clean up and we sit in the living room and watch a movie some time through the movie Marcy fell asleep. I pick her up and lay her very softly in her bed. I kiss her on the forehead and walk into my room. I see Tsubaki fiddling with a rubix cube. I laugh and I finish it for her. She gasps and says "Wow. You must have done this a lot. I reply "Yep I had a lot of free time." She looks around my room. The walls are flossed with posters with my favorite Tv shows and bands. I blush as she picks up a book I wrote as a kid. She flips through the pages and giggles. She look at me and says "Very cute. You still are." I look at her eyes and hold her hand. "I bet you were cute at that age too." She looks away cutely. "Oh stop. You'll make me blush." I lean closer and whisper "Aww. Why? You are so attractive when you blush." She looks at me and kisses me. I kiss her back until I hear the door open. I gasp and sit away from her and look at the door. It was Sarah. She hands us a plate of cookies and says "Five more minutes." With a wink she leaves. I sigh and Tsubaki gets up and walks to the door. She blows me a kiss then shuts the door. I slowly go to sleep. 

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