Hospitalized Christmas

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    I open my eyes and see a yellow ceiling and a light coming from my left. I see a window and Tsubaki in a chair sleeping. It looks about sunset. I see Tsubaki's Black hair in contrast to the sun behind her. She is so peaceful sitting there. The sun lights her face. I see she is wearing her beige shirt and pants with the Star on her right breast. Her arms are folded on her lap and her head Is tilted to the window. Her eyes don't move and neither does her arms which adds more beauty to her rest. I wonder what happened. I look over to see a clipboard and I can easily Identify my name. I pick it up and start to read it. I mean a hole in my stomach wouldn't have made me pass out so quickly....Right? It will still have hurt like hell. I popped a vein in my neck! Damn. That is crazy. I know I wanted to kill the witch, but I didn't think I would push myself that hard. I see Mira Naigus walk in. She gives a smiles and says "Good to see you are up." I nod at her and say "What time is it?" She laughs and says "It's Christmas. You slept for a whole eight days." I sit up with some difficulty "No I didn't." She puts her fingers to her lips and points at Tsubaki. She smiles and says "She has been there everyday on the holiday break. She only left to shower, change, eat and she has slept here the past three nights. She seems to really like you. I told her you are in good hands, but she said 'I want to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up. It looks like she got her wish." I sit against the pillow and smile at Tsubaki. I see Mira get up and I ask "Hey this may be blunt, but....Do you have anything to eat?" She gives a faint laugh and says "I will bring something for both of you." Shortly after she leaves Tsubaki starts to mumble and wake up. I lean to her and say in a low voice "Hey sleepy head." Tsubaki seems confused at first then hugs me and pushes me back to the bed. I feel her tears wipe against my shirt. I put one hand on her shoulder blades and one on the back of her head. I kiss her head and I manage to say. "Tsubaki. You must of really missed me." I feel her laugh and her head comes up to rest on my shoulders. I like her hugs they aren't empty, but full of love. She whispers in my ear "I have really missed you. You...fainted and I panicked ..and....I...I love you so much." I whisper back "I love you too Tsubaki. I really do." as I say this I pull her away and put my hand on her cheek. She places her hand over the one on her and uses my shoulder to bring her closer to me. I tilt my head as she does the same and I kiss her. This was truly one of love and nothing less. She sits back in her seat and Naigus walks in carrying two cartons of chicken and fried rice. She sees the tears coming from Tsubaki's eyes and she can tell that they are of joy. She hands us our meals and leaves, but says "Please keep it PG in there ok?" We all laugh and she exits. We eat and discuss what I have missed. The christmas get together is at Maka's apartment tonight, but only if I was able to go they were going to postpone it. When Naigus came back she said it was ok to go. I get dressed in laid back, but warm clothes. I walk with Tsubaki. I was ordered not to do any thing that could hurt me. When we get there everyone was excited to see me.

Kid walks up to me with a hug and says "Nice to see you. I knew she couldn't have done much damage to someone like you." Then Soul comes up to me and we exchange a high five "You showed her who the real man was!" Then I see BlackStar who was CRYING! He hugs me and yells "I was supposed to be in the spotlight. You idiot." Of course. Maka and Patty give me a hug and Maka says "Did you hear about BlackStar and Patty? There an item now." I reply "Oh yea I remeber seeing Patty kiss him." Liz and Nori both shoot me waves. We all sit in the living room. We drink Nog and eat pastries as we all crack jokes and watch 'Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer'. After a while it is time for presents. It was Soul and Blair, Nori and Liz, BlackStar and Patty, Kid and Maka, and Tsubaki and I. In that order we exchange gifts. I am scared of Blair's and Soul's presents. Soul got a pair of.....Leather straps while Blair got Prada line of lingurage. I advert my eyes and say "Keep that in the bedroom guys." We all laugh as we move on. Liz got a whole series of her favorite TV drama. While Nori got a Itunes gift card. Liz squealed and hugged Nori. Next. BlackStar got card against Humanity and Patty got a stuffed giraffe. She immediately 'broke' its neck and BlackStar looked through the cards with a devilish look. Then Kid gets a Death bracelet and Maka got a Ring with a jade in the center. They exchange a passionate kiss. Then I get mine. I open it and I see a collage of.....Tsubaki and my time together. I tear up when I see these pictures. There is one of her scoring on me at basket ball. Then one of me helping her study. The ones that stood out the most was the four in the middle. On the left it was me hovering over her when I fell on her on our jog. Then one of us dancing at the winter dance. Then on top was her sitting next to me at the hospital. Then the middle was us kissing. I turned red and I held her tight; it was the sweetest thing ever. I was crying. I wiped my tears as she opens hers. I see her put her hands to her mouth before taking a necklace out that says 'Tsubaki' and a card I wrote. She read it out loud "I will always love you. With this around your neck nothing can hurt you. I am in the necklace as you were in my life, strong, sweet, and loving. The one to love and to hold. The one I want to be with. Tsubaki, I love you." She lifts off the ground and tackles me to the floor. She pressed her lips against mine. She sits up and asks me to help her. We go to the bathroom to use the mirror. She sits on a stool in front of the mirror. I smile and she does too. I put the necklace over her head and move it to her neck while she moves her hair to help me put it on. It is a good fit. I hook it on the back and pat her hair around it. I smile at her while she says "It is absolutely beautiful." I hug her and we share a long embrace. She looks up at me and I look back. She is still sitting down, and her face is upside down to me. She lifts her chin and I move my mouth to hers. Kissing her again after nearly a week of rest feels good. I put both of my hands on her face and she does the same. We break the kiss panting. We walk in the livingroom and sit where we open our gifts. When we sit Kid gestures to his mouth. I use my wrist to wipe my lips and see....Ha. I see lipstick. Purple. I gesture to my hair swiping directly in half. He feels his hair and then relizes I was talking about his three lines. He scoffs and glares at me. Later that night we all stayed at Maka's. We totally missed curfew. We all got a small cot while Soul and Blair tried out their presents. Kid slept with Maka and Nori and Liz cuddled with intertwined legs. I see BlackStar and Patty. I have to contain a laugh. Patty is kicking BlackStar in the face while he is still asleep. I look over at Tsubaki who is in mid sleep near me. I put my hands on the back of my neck and look at the ceiling thinking about the week I missed. I smile when I feel a hand and a head rest on my chest. I swipe my finger through Tsubaki's hair and place my arm around her chest. I match my breath with her's as we drift to sleep.I love feeling her close. I'm in love.  

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