Why? What did I do?

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Tsubaki and I went for a walk. She was really quiet. "Hey are you okay?" She snaps out of a glance "Yeah I'm fine." Wierd. When we get back I check her mail. There was one with hearts and had 'Michael' on it. Hmm. Instinctively I shoved it in my pocket, went inside and handed her the mail. She acted disappointed like a letter was missing. I make a excuse to go to the restroom. I open the letter. It was a short poem to Tsubaki. It made me want to cry. When I got out Tsubaki was their. She started talking about how we needed more time together. I said regretful things "I can't be with you all the time...... How dare you, Kid is my friend." I leave and take a walk madder than hell. I start to cry. I couldn't take it. I wanted to see her. I pick up some flowers and chocolate and head to her house. I open the door and don't see her. I walk to her room. I hear giggles. I peek through and see a blonde headed person kiss Tsubaki. She leaned into the kiss. I gasped and the guy bursts through the door knocking me over. He grabs my shirt and picks me up. I try to get him to let go, but Tsubaki's face made me so sad. He says "Oh you must be William. I'm Michael. Tsubaki's new lover." I spit in his face. He laughs and hits me so hard in the stomach I nearly throw up. He hits me so many times. I see Tsubaki's frightened face. I asked her "Why?....What was I doing wrong?" I am shoved through the door. I start to cry so much wheezing with so much pain. I crawl out side and reach for my phone. Crap. It is missing. I need to call Kid. I see a payphone not far from here. I get to it and find a couple quarters. I type his phone number in. I wait...and wait. He answered. "Death residence, Kid here." Kid?" "William. Wait are you crying?" "Tsubaki and another..a..a..another man.....where....She cheated on me!" "He starts to panic and asks "Where are you?" "A block south of Tsubaki's." "I'll be there soon." He hangs up and in three minutes I see a black car with white racing stripes pull up. I look up and see the door open up with Kid ushering me in. I sit down and close the door. He drives and asks me "So what happened?" I reply "T-Tsubaki...was seeing another man. We got in a fight and I saw them k-kiss." He replies "Oh shit. I am so sorry man." We stop at his house. I enter and he says "You can stay in the guest room tonight. Liz order pizza! Patty get your silliest movies!" I try to protest, but he negates it. He asks me "What is your most pump up songs?" I say "Never wanted to dance" He looks it up and plays it on full blast. He and I sing it being silly. I sleep over and wake up to Kid frowning. He said "Tsubaki is here." I feel my heart start to rip. I sit on the couch across from her. She can't even look me in the eye. I ask her "Why?" She talks still looking down "It was a mistake. I thought we weren't spending time together." "What about the time Blair wanted to have sex. She was hot, but I said no. I was loyal! Why weren't you?" She starts to cry when I stand up. I hear a pounding on the door. It was that Michael kid holding a weapon and Nori was behind him looking worried. I text Nori from Kid's Phone. 'Turn into a weapon now!' He does so as soon as I rip open the door tackling Michael.He pushes me off as I grab Nori in midair. He says "What the hell is going on. Is that that Michael bastard?" I say "Sure is. We will teach him a lesson." He has a really big sledge hammer thing attached to a chain. He rushes me as I jump and land on his head. I kick off sending him kissing the ground. He gets up throwing the hammer end at me. I couldn't dodge. It slams me against a semi truck. I am now super mad. I grab the hammer end as he pulls the chain. That gave me the momentum to hit him with my hand. He yells "Cheater you have two weapons!" I have no clue what he is talking about. He has a gash across his head. I shake it off and hit him with the flat end of Nori. He gets shot up the stairs off the DWMA. I didn't realize how far we went. I hit him into the front doors. We rush up stairs to the balcony I shove him off. He hits the ground and tries to get up. I jump off yelling "Nori!" We both say "Soul Resonance." The flames come out of the sword and rush to him. His weapon runs away. I use my momentum and strike. I hear a clank. I laugh and say "I could have killed you. Leave while you have the chance." I struck the concrete by his head. He runs away as I sit on the stairs. Tsubaki sits by me. She hands me her necklace. You know, the one I got mugged over. "I'm sorry." She walks down the stairs. I was so angry I melted it with Nori. He walks away after we say goodbye. I start to cry again. I hear a kind and female voice from behind me. "Hey. Are you okay. I turn around and see a short dirty girl with light green eyes. She was dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt. "I saw that fight and came to check on you." I reply I'm fine. You look familiar. What is your name? She said "Lilli. Nice to me you." I said "No way...Lilli? I'm William." She smiles and say "Oh my. William!" She was a childhood friend. Very random.

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