A Night a Tsubaki's

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     She and I watched a movie then she had to shower. After she was done she asked me "I can make some food if you want?" I smiled and said "Only if I can watch." She nodded and we both went into the kitchen. We were making Sushi. I was cutting fish and finished before Tsubaki finished the rice. I walk behind her and grab her arms and help her stir. She smiled and blushed at the lame moves I was trying. We finish kinda fast. We both sit at the couch at each end. When we finished she crawled my way and laid near me. I put my arms around her and we watch more of the movie. She yawned, so I asked "Do I need to take you to your room sleepy head?" She nodded and was getting up when I put my arm under her legs and my left under her head. She yelped at the swiftness I had. She giggled and let me take her to her room. "It is past curfew you can sleep here." I say "Ok thanks I can sleep in the living room." When I lay her down she asks "Hey, will you s-sleep with m-me?" I stood there shocked. It was an unusual request. I managed to say "I-I would l-love too" I wasn't sure how to handle this, so I got into the bed and only put the covers up to my hips and stayed about a foot away from Tsubaki. She put one hand on my cheek and pulled me to her. I put my arms around her and give her a passionate kiss while she returns it with more force. She lets it go soft and eventually breaks it. She returns my hug and whispers "William, I love you so much." I squeezed tighter and say "Tsubaki, I love you more than anything in the world. You are not only athletic and beautiful, but you are nice, caring and I am so happy with you." I started to tear up with the last couple of words. She started to cry when I broke the hug and replaced with a kiss. Sweet as always. Before I know it we fall asleep.

     I smell coffee and some kind of sweet. I opened my eyes to find myself still wrapped around Tsubaki. She is so cute and it feels good to hug her like this. Wait...then who is in the kitchen? "Crap" I say before I shake Tsubaki. When she wakes up she smiles at me. I say "Good morning beautiful. Quick question. Does BlackStar cook?" As I say that she sits up and reaches for her shirt. She was in her bra. Before she can reach it BlackStar walks in. "Good Morning Tsubaki I made some....HAHAHAHAHAH." I just stare at him. I had all my clothes on. Tsubaki was flush red and said "BlackStar I-I thought that you w-were staying over there till 7:00!" BlackStar shrugged and gave a half smile, you know the ones that are like 'I totally got you.' He turns and says "William make sure you keep it PG-13. Hahaha." I got up and was about to exit the room when Tsubaki shut the door and grabbed my hands. She hugged me and said "Thank you for spending the night. I am very thankful. It was nice." I hug back and reply with "I enjoyed it very much. I am glad you trust me like that. It means a lot even if we didn't... you know?" At that moment BlackStar bursts in and yells "Have sex!" Tsubaki was pissed. She hit BlackStar so hard that he bled out his nose. I rub my head and say "Well, I better get going. I had fun. Thanks Tsubaki." She gives me a hug and a Kiss. I arrive at my dorm when I see "Professor Stein?" He walks up to me and whispers "I know you a bit. You never got along with wemen. So how is it that you get along with Tsubaki so we'll if you have only been in one serious relationship? I know what you did last night. I have one question. Did you wear protection?" I was in such shock I shouted "We didn't do that!" He laughs and explains he was joking and before he walks off. I shrug him off before entering the dorm I see JJ still asleep so I just play basketball out side with a few other students. But I had a thought how the hell did he know about last night......Perv!

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