Chapter 47

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I've been having this feeling in my gut that doesn't go away. I have a strange feeling something big is going to happen today.

Ever since Matty looked at me that way it's been evident.

He was plotting something and I'm afraid of what his sinister plans might do to Niall and I's relationship.

We were finally on good terms and I wanted to keep it that way.


Classes finally ended and as usual, I was escorted out to my car.

Niall insisted on following me home but I refused. I knew my mom and dad were going to be there so I didn't worry.

He scrunched his eyebrows but finally gave me a tiny smile and let me go.

Five minutes later I arrived at my house.

I knew my parents were home because of their car.

There's a second car I didn't recognize.

Was it family?

I open the door and hear a familiar voice talking in the dining room.

"I'm home!" I yell to make myself known.

"Oh hunny! Come! Come! Look who stopped by!" She said eagerly pulling me.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I see this individual.


I glared at him with such hate in my eyes. I despise Matty Hobbes.

"Hey Ken." He smirked.

"What are you doing in my house!" I ask raising my voice.

"Kendra! That is no way to talk to a guest!" My mom scolded me.

"He's no guest mother. He's not allowed in this house!"

"Well he's our guest. So stop with the attitude and say hello."

"No." I protested.

"Come on Ken."

"I told you NEVER to call me that!" I yelled.

"What is up with you today!" My father scolded me.

They really wanna know?

"Do you know what kind of psychopath this asshole is?! He's the reason why I was in the hospital! He's the one who beat me senseless and left me to die! How could you let him in here?!"

"Maybe you should be asking yourself the same thing Kendra. How could you be letting the guy who bullied you for half a year, the guy who made you self-harm, into your home? Let alone into your heart?" Matty interjected.

My parents looked at me with wide eyes.

"Is that true!" My father yelled.

I nodded.

"It's not the same dad. He never tried to kill me. He's apologized for it and swore never to do it again."

"That won't stop him from getting angry and hurting you again Kendra." He scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. This angered me.

"Oh yeah sure but here you are sipping tea with the guy who almost killed me. ME! Your only child!"

"He'd never do such a thing Kenny!" My mother said defending that bastard.

"Yes he would! Ask Liam!"

"Are you sure it wasn't Niall who did this?" Matty added.

"Unbelievable! How could you guys possibly believe his goody two shoes act!"

"Enough! Niall is no longer allowed in this house hold! And you are to end that relationship!"

"Absolutely not!" I yelled back.

"Then you are no longer allowed to live under our roof!" My father stated.

I looked at my father in disbelief.

I looked at my mother for help but she had her arms crossed, clearly siding with my father. And of course Matty with his usual stupid smirk.

I grunted and ran upstairs.

I'm leaving. If they don't like my relationship with Niall then so be it. I'm done.

I packed all my clothes into a big trash bag and all my important stuff into a big suitcase.
I was leaving nothing but the furniture.

I took out the phone and called Harry. I had to throw off Matty so he wouldn't stalk me when I left.

"Hello?" He answered in his deep British accent.

"Hey. It's Kendra. Do you mind coming to get me?"

"No not at all. What's wrong?"

"I'm not welcome in my own home anymore so I'm leaving."

"I'll be there in five." Harry said hurriedly and clicked.

I threw the big bag that held my clothes, out the backyard window to make it easier for Harry.

I tied the huge suitcase to a rope I found in the hallway closet and slowly lowered it next to the bag.

I don't want any heavy bags making my departure any harder.

As much as I wanted to cry, I couldn't. I was already used to living without my parents anyways.

Five minutes on the dot.

I heard Harry's car pull up. I texted him to go around back and get my bags before hand so he did just that while I wrote a goodbye letter.

Since Niall is no longer allowed in this house I've decided to leave. Parents who believe their daughter's ex-boyfriend more than their daughter is unbelievable. Niall never meant to hurt me. Matty is just trying to get you guys to hate him and I can see that it has worked. But if my relationship with Niall is in anyway intervened with, do not expect me to not lash out. He's been with me through the roughest times. Something that you as parents haven't done. So this is goodbye. Don't ask where I'm going because there's no use. You guys can't stop me. I'm of legal age now. Have fun with Matty. I'm sure he'll fit in perfectly in the new extra room I'll be leaving you two.

I left it on the bed and ran down the stairs. I opened the front door as loud as I could and slammed it.

I needed to make an exit.

I scurried into Harry's car.

"Step on it."

Harry nodded and pressed hard on the gas, burning tire in the process.

I looked back at my now old home and saw all three of them standing at the doorway.

Their faces confused as to where I was headed.

Never am I coming back. Never.


Does anyone know how to make video edits? I want to make kind of like a "trailer" to this story but I know I'd suck at it haha.


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