Chapter 32

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Prom was the best night ever. Despite the fact that the song played but Niall fixed it right away.

Never would I ever have thought that Niall, the guy who hated me for no reason, would be making my life so perfect.

The night of prom we all slept at Niall's house.

We had a mini after party. No drinking of course. My friends weren't huge drinkers. We like to actually remember our nights so we can tell our future daughters all the crazy stuff we did.

Although I don't know about the guys...they seemed pretty buzzed. Niall didn't drink which is odd. Irishmen are usually huge drinkers but I didn't question him.

"Babe. Babe?" Niall whispered shaking me.

"Hmmm... I'm up I'm up." I said still half asleep.

I opened my eyes to see Niall shirtless before me. I wanted to drool but I think I already had my mouth wide open while I was asleep.

He giggled and jumped on the bed. He laid down and wrapped his arm around me. And quite frankly he is an amazing cuddle. I qcould stay in bed all day if he was next to me. Oddly, I felt safe.

I closed my eyes and grinned. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as well as his hand on my thigh.
He traced circles on my thigh.

"I could be here all day Kenny." He whispered into my ear.

"Then why don't we stay here all day?" I said smiling.

"Becauuuuuuse...I have guests and those guests get very hungry, and angry, and annoying if they're not fed." He said as I giggled.

"Ok ok fine. Once we graduate we can spend all summer like this right?"

"Of course babe" he said kissing my cheek.

I was thinking of kissing his lips but I'm sure I have horrible morning breath so I stood up to brush my teeth.

I look in the mirror and see that my makeup was off. I don't remember taking it off?

"Babe? Who took my makeup off?"

"Oh I think Jessie did. She said she didn't want you waking up looking like a raccoon? Her words not mine." He said shrugging.

Typical Jessie. But I owe it to her. I didn't want Niall seeing me look that bad. I already look bad enough with no makeup imagine looking like a raccoon?!

I brushed my teeth thoroughly and proceeded to untangle the birds nest that I call hair. I put it into a loose bun since it was still a bit curly from last night.

I step back into Niall's room and look for my bag. As I look I see my overnight bag sitting on the bed.

I don't remember bringing that either.

"Did I get high or drunk?"

"Neither silly. I brought it over this morning. Didn't want you to be wearing my clothes all day." Niall's said putting on a white v-neck.

"Oh thanks babe!"

I pull the bag open and see my favorite pair of jeans and a white v-neck, as well as my Toms.

Niall quickly steps out to let me change because yes, we haven't seen each other naked before. As sad as it sounds, i am still a virgin. Pathetic, right?

I guess I'm just waiting for the right guy or the right time. Hopefully it happens with Niall. I'm starting to trust him more and more and it kinda scares me. What if I get hurt again?

I wave that thought out and just begin changing. Once I finish I go downstairs and I see that everyone is awake.

My stomach starts to grumble as the sweet smell of pancakes hits my nose. I lick my lips as a huge stack of perfectly round and brown pancakes catches my eye. It's like I just feel in love but with food.

"Its about time you woke up. I thought I'd have to eat your stack?!" Louis yelled while laughing.

"Ha. Ha. Funny Louis." I say while grabbing a plate.

I stacked 3 pancakes and drizzled them in syrup. I let them soak for a bit while I grabbed some OJ.

We all sat at Niall's dinner table and waited for him to come downstairs. It took a few minutes but when he did, he sat down and we all started eating.

A good 20 minutes passed and as I look around everyone's plate was empty. I don't know who made them but boy were they delicious.


We all finished eating.

I saw the look on Kendra's face and I smiled. If only she knew I made these pancakes.

We all sat in my living room for awhile, letting the food settle. Once it did, my boys started leaving. They were going back to college and finishing their last few weeks there. Louis just wanted to go home and sleep some more. Typical Louis.

Kenny's friends wanted to go shower so she talked for a bit with them and then they left.

As she talked with them my mind was going on overdrive. When I went to Kendra's house to get her some clothes, I found a letter. It was addressed;

'For Kendra Kimball'

And on the top left corner;

'Matty Hobbes'

Who was Matty Hobbes?
And what was he doing sending letters to her? What she cheating on me? Does she have a stalker?

I didn't want to assume anything but how could I not?

"What's wrong babe?" She asked with a worried look on her face.

"Nothing." I said trying to hide the fact that I was going nuts.

"Niall. You're a terrible liar. There's something up. Tell me." She said looking me straight in the eyes.

Those two perfect blue eyes, staring into mine. How could I lie to those beautiful eyes? But how do I tell her?

"Niall? Is it bad?" She asked frowning.

"No no not at all. I...ah...well...umm...when I went to get you some clothes at your house......there's was this...this...letter...addressed to you...from some Matty Hobbes guy?"

Her reaction worried me. She just gasped and stood there. Her facial expression showed so much pain, like if I had killed someone in front of her.

"Kenny? Are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

"M-m-m-matty H-h-h-obbes?"

"Yeah that's the name. Who is that babe?"

Her eyebrows furrowed. She looked down for a second then looked up at me.
She was crying. Her eyes were red and tearing up.

"Matty Hobbes is my ex-boyfriend."


Hey guys!! I'm SO SO SOOOO sorry that I haven't been here for months! I completely lost my inspiration to write at one point but here's a new chapter for ya! I hope you like it! I hope you guys don't hate me and continue reading! I'm astonished to see that over 4.41K have read my story!! I just hope you'll share that love with my other story Karaoke Night. I know it's not as good but it was my first story and would really appreciate if you read it :)

Thanks for continuously favoriting and commenting and I hope I won't disappoint with the upcoming chapters!

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