Chapter 7

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When I got to school I headed to my locker nervously. When I turned the corner I felt relieved. Niall is nowhere in sight. I quickly grabbed my books and headed to my first class.


3rd period rolls around and I'm found sitting nervously in my seat. Niall is in this class with me and I can't stop thinking that he's going to hurt me. The bell rings and everyone is here but Niall. I felt kind of relieved to not see him here. I was getting pretty comfortable in my seat.

Unfortunately i spoke to soon. The door opened to reveal Niall coming in with a late pass in his hand. Shit.

He hands the teacher the pass and turns to face the class. He walks to his seat which is right next to mine like it's always been since day one. I feel his eyes on me and it's like he's burning a hole through me. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and try to focus on the lecture.

"Kendra." He whispers.

I ignore him the best I can but he does it again.

"Kendra." I look at him with a harsh glare and get back to the lecture.

"Damnit Kendra!" He whispers a bit louder.

"Is there a problem Mr. Horan?" Mr. Daley, our teacher asks.

"Uh. No." He answers.

"No talking then."

I laugh in my head. Fucking douche. I wish he would have given him a detention and kept him after class.

"Ok. I have a worksheet for you to work on silently. And no partners. Get to work." Mr. Daley ordered. I work on mine silently.

From the corner of my eye I see Niall turn his body towards mine.

"Kendra. Please talk to me?" He pleaded.

"Leave me alone." I answer coldly.

"No. I can't."

"Why?!" I answer a little too loud.

"Ms. Kimball. Mr. Horan. Stay after class." He scolds us.

I give a hateful glare to Niall. Fucking dick. I'm sure I'm getting a detention and I'm getting stuck with him.


"I thought I said no talking."

"But Mr. Daley! He started it!" I whined.

"I don't care who started it. I'm giving you two a warning. Next time it's detention. Capish?" He scolded.

We both nod and he excuses us. I quickly grab my things and run out the door. Niall follows closely behind me. I try walking faster but he catches up to me. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He pushes me against the wall and pins me there.

"Why won't you talk to me?" He asks.

"Why?! Hmm. I dunno. Maybe because you've been an utter dick to me this year and out of nowhere you kiss me and tell me you love me and expect me to forgive you!"

"What can I do for you to forgive me. I truly am sorry Kendra. Please just give me a chance?"

"No. Just leave me alone!"

"I can't. Can't you see? I like you Kendra. I want you to see that! I want you to see the world through my eyes and understand why I did what I did. Please... just one chance." He begs.

There's a long silence as he lets go of me.

"No." I say and walk away.

He stands there and watches me walk away. I don't turn back at all. He's so arrogant and persistent. It annoys me. He doesn't deserve to be forgiven. He can rot in his guilt for all I care.



Damn this girl. She's so stubborn.

She flat out rejected me and didn't even hesitate to say it. Now I know words won't work with her. I need to show her that I'm sorry. It's the only way.



My mind is in a haze right now. Why didn't he follow me after I left him there? He's so... Ugh! I'm so confused. Why am I feeling so weird? I hate him but I want more of this attention he's been giving me. It's not hateful like it used to be. He genuinely seems like he likes me but it's hard to trust him after all of what he did. I know what he's capable of. He can be a horrid monster and put up a facade. I don't want that. I need to clear my head.

Lunch will do the trick.



Am I going too slow with this?

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