Chapter 51

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"Matty Hobbes, you're under arrest for the assault and attempted murder of Kendra Kimball."

The relief I felt at hearing those words was unimaginable. I've been waiting for weeks for something to finally be done about that wacko.

Sighs of relief came out of the boys' mouths as they all came around me in a circle to hug me. At last, Matty was on his way out of my life for good. No longer would I have to live in fear. I was free to be in love with Niall as I pleased and that felt so good.

I cried tears of joy as I saw the officers putting Matty in handcuffs, reading him his rights, and forcefully showing him in the back of the squad car.

I hope he rots in jail.

"Kenny, how do you feel love?" Liam asked wiping off the tears from my eyes.

"I feel such relief Liam! Thank you guys so much for this. I could not have done this without you all." I say smiling.

"You're an extremely strong woman for facing that coward and we couldn't be more proud of you." Harry said almost tearing up himself.

Our sweet exchange of words only lasted a few minutes as the cops had to speak to me regarding the arrest and the charges I would be filing. You bet your ass I would be filing charges and making him suffer like I did all those weeks. The pain. The agony. The look on Niall's face.

That was the hardest.

Every day he would mask the pain, the anger, the frustration he felt not knowing who could have done such a horrible thing to me. And come to think of it, I never really got to thanking him for all of that. Instead of my parents taking responsibility of me, he took it upon himself to make sure I was being taken care of. That just makes me appreciate him more and I don't know how I could ever repay him.



The sun was setting quite beautifully today. The boys had each gone home except for Harry since he lives here. As we get ready to leave, I sit and contemplate what my next step is with my life. My parents kicked me out. Niall asked me to stay with him and I would usually hesitate to say yes but I was in need of a home and who better than my love?

I waved goodbye to Harry and he signaled me to call him and keep in touch. What a sweet caring soul.

I looked at Niall in the driver's seat and smiled warmly at him. He softly grabbed my hand and kissed it then proceeded to kiss me on the lips the same way.

I love how gentle he was being. I never would have assumed he would be capable of being this tender to me.

He started up his car and drove. The closer we got to his house, the more affectionate he got. When we pulled into his driveway his hand was gripping my leg almost as he didn't want me to vanish.

"I'll take your things up Kenny. Just make yourself at home." Niall said hugging me. I nodded in agreement and opened his unlocked door.

"He should really lock this damn door." I say to myself.

I take my shoes off at the front door and make my way to the hallway closet. I pull out a blanket and toss it on the couch in front of his flat screen TV. I scavenge through his living room looking for the remote and once I find it I plop down on his couch. I cover myself in the blanket and scroll through Netflix.

"Gossip Girl it is." I whisper to myself.



As I tell Kendra to make herself at home, I begin unloading her belongings from the trunk of my car. She didn't bring much with her but I took my time. She mainly packed clothing but there were a few journals and books with her.

I set them down in the garage and locked my car before I headed inside.

I walk towards my living room and see Kendra cuddled up in a ball with Gossip Girl playing on the TV and 2 glasses of wine on the coffee table. She looked up at me while I slipped my shoes off. She patted the seat next to her and I gladly took the invitation.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck. She giggled softly and turned her body to face me.

"You know Niall, I am extremely lucky to call you my boyfriend. No one would have stood up to Matty for me like you did today." she said tears swelling up in the corners of her eyes.

"I'd do anything for you Kendra." I say pecking her lips with a kiss.

"But tell me Niall, how did you manage to make the letter seem like you didn't write it that day? I've read everything in your notebook and that definitely was not in it?"

I was hoping she wouldn't bring this up. I've been trying to keep this whole ordeal out of her knowledge. If she found out when and why I wrote it she would not see me the same.

"Niall? "

"Huh?" I asked as she snapped me out of my little trance.

"When did you write the letter? It looked like it had been written quite a while ago?" she asked now looking truly concerned.

"That's because it kind of was." I said not being able to look at her.



I've finally edited and tweaked the story a little. I noticed that I messed up A LOT on Kendra's last name, her friends and my spelling. All should be correct now!!!

I am adding to this story each and every day! It is not planned at all so if you have ideas as to what plot twist i should add next, FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME!!! I will credit the chapter(s) to you!!

Thank you for reading!!

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