Chapter 12

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My whole Saturday I spent lounging in my house and writing in my journal. My entry wasn't as dark this time.

Dear Journal,

I'm happy right now. Does this have anything to do with the fact that Niall is changing? I think so. He's being sweet and making me feel giddy. Should I like this feeling? I mean he took me in a date and kissed me. I liked the kisses to be honest. His lips are full and soft and so addicting. I find myself replaying our first official kiss in my head many times. Is it strange that after all he's done to me, I want to feel his lips on mine again? It's been a really weird week for me but I could get used to it. It's better than the past 6 months that I've spent isolated and afraid. Now I'm social and happy. I like it.

This is the first time I've written in my journal since I cut myself. I was so confused as to what was happening and I didn't know how to express how I felt. But now that I have my thoughts straight and have gotten some advice from my friends I have resumed writing.

Now I'm left wondering what Niall's doing right now. Is he thinking of our date tomorrow? Is he thinking of me? I'm so nervous for tomorrow and I'm hoping that all goes well like it did yesterday.

I'm really starting to like Niall and maybe, just maybe, we can have a nice relationship starting for us.

I have no one in my life other than my friends and neither does Niall. My parents "work" all the time but I know they like to travel without me. That's why I'm always home alone. And Niall, obviously his family passed away.

I feel bad for him because he has no one. Now that I'm hanging out with him more, I see that I'm all he's got and I know I can't leave him by himself. He needs me more than I can imagine and I hope that when this "relationship", if you can call it one, grows, I'll be able to give him more support and love. But for now I'm doing as much as I mentally and physically can to let him into my life.


Sunday rolls up and I find myself still asleep at 2 p.m. I wake up freaking out because I'm supposed to be getting ready and here I am still lying in bed.

I hurriedly get out of bed and take a shower, grooming my legs during the process and making sure I'm thoroughly clean. After my shower I actually try to look nice for Niall.

I curl my hair, put on makeup and put on a nice sundress. I'm trying to dress to impress as the fashionistas say.

Soon enough the doorbell rings and I make my way down the stairs to open the door. When Niall sees me his mouth drops a little and I smile at the cute gesture.

"Wow. You look great." He said standing there with his hands in his pockets, "Ready?".


He takes my hand and walks me to his car again. He gets in the drivers seat and turns it on.

"I hope you like amusement parks." He said smiling at me.

"I love them." I say returning the smile.

As Niall pulls away from my house he puts his hand over mine and looks at me for a brief second as if he was asking for permission to hold my hand.

I responded by intertwining my fingers in his. The touch of his hand to mine sent a shock of electricity through me. We held hands the entire way to the amusement park.

We pulled into the parking lot then walked hand in hand to the entrance.

Niall pulled out two tickets from his wallet and handed the to the girl in the concession stand.

"What ride do you want to go on first?" Niall asks looking me in the eyes.

(Pretend they're in Six Flags)

"Umm. How about Viper?" I say unsure.

"Ok. Let's go."

He leads me to a long line and I sigh.

"This is going to take forever." I say impatiently.

"Nope." He says flashing two Fast Passes and smiling.

I laugh as he drags me to the start of the line. We immediately cut the line and show our passes. We are quickly let in and seated.

"Ya ready?" Niall asked me stifling a laugh.

"Are YOU ready?" I asked smirking.

I've gone on this ride before and know every twist and turn so I know what's coming but who knows if he's been on this ride.

The ride starts and so do the screams. I scream as my adrenaline rises and look at Niall who looks kind of scared. I take a hold of his hand and hold it tightly. When the ride ends we step out of the seats and head back into the park.

We are still holding hands as we head to more rides. I'm having such a good time and laughing a lot. The pictures that they take during the rides have me laughing so hard.

At the end of the day we bought two pictures of when we rode Goliath. I felt like I was going to fall out so I held onto Niall tightly and it got caught in camera. Niall thought it was cute so he bought it. We headed to his car slowly, hand in hand. I had an amazing time with him. Who knew he could be so funny?

"I had a fun time Niall."

"Me too. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He said enthusiastically.

"We should do this again sometime." I said really wanting to go on another date with him.

"And so we will." He said smiling.

He drove me home and walked me to my door just like the last time.

"I had fun Kendra."

"Me too." I said not knowing what to say. All I wanted was another kiss from him.

"I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?" He asked waiting for a yes.

"Yeah. Of course."

I leaned in to give him a hug and he returned it. It was warm and comfortable being in his arms. When I pulled away I looked up at him and gave him a kiss. I took him by surprise because he hesitated to kiss back, but he eventually did. I didn't want to let him go but we both have school tomorrow.

When our lips detached I smiled.

"I'll see you at school." I said and walked inside my house.

My heart was beating so fast. I kissed him voluntarily this time and I didn't regret it one bit. I felt warm inside which is only confirming my feelings for Niall.

I like him.



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