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Hello loves !! My name is Lauren, and this is my FIRST fanfic, so I'm super nervous about writing this, so please bear with me !! Haha. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this ... I know there might be some grammatical errors, but I will continue to edit these chapters. Enjoy this first update !! Xx (btw: The picture on the side was chosen because Louis looks DADDY AF) -mind the pun ;)

Louis Tomlinson was only 19 when he found out that his best mate, Stan, had gotten a girl pregnant.  Stan, of course, was freaking out about the whole concept, but Louis was always there for him. 

9 months later, after Louis and Stan had both already turned 20, Kaster was born.  Louis was always there for Stan and her, especially after Kaster's mom ran out of their lives. 

None of that mattered though, because Louis made up for Kaster's missing mother.  Kaster was attached to him.  Whenever Louis walked into Stan's flat, she was always giggling out loud, and screaming for his attention.  It was like she had a sixth sense about whenever Louis entered the room.  So when Stan offered Louis to be her godfather, it didn't come as any surprise.

What did come as a surprise, however, was when Louis had to become Kaster's legal guardian.

One afternoon, while Louis was babysitting Kaster, because Stan had a work meeting, Louis got a call. A call explaining to him how Stan had been rushed to the Emergency Room after being involved in a car accident.

Louis drove him and Kaster to the E.R, but as soon as they arrived, they were informed about the situation. Stan had been killed in a car accident, at the early age of 20, with a two month old baby daughter.

Two years later, here Louis is, at the age of 22, being the father of a beautiful two year old.

He's doing quite well! He was able to finish his last two years of uni, and receive a teaching degree. He was so grateful for his mother being able to take care of Kaster during the day, while he was off going to classes.

He teaches at a preschool in London. It's pretty convenient, actually, because he is able to take Kaster there with him while working!

He gets to watch his baby girl grow, mentally and physically, everyday, and it's hard on him! And she's only two! Each day, he swears, he sees his daughter grow more. 

Yes, daughter. 

Even though she's not biologically his, he still considers her his daughter.  Louis has never felt more love towards anyone else than he does with Kaster. He will always put her first, no matter what.

The two of them are quite the pair. People always refer to them as 'The Dynamic Duo!'


Harry Styles.  Worlds most well-known womanizer.  Teen pop sensation.  Member of One Direction.

All of these are true, well, except for being a womanizer.  This is how the media portrays him.  But, what they don't know is that Harry, in fact, is gay.

He's always wanted to come out in front of the public, but his management team won't allow it.  Claiming that it will 'ruin One Direction's career'.  It's hard on him, of course it is!  But he doesn't question it, because he would never be able to live with himself knowing that his sexuality ruined his band's career.  He doesn't want everything Niall, Liam, Zayn, and he worked for to go down the drain that easily ...

Today, on this beautiful fall morning, 7:00 a.m. to be exact, Harry is out buying groceries for himself.  He always has to leave the house early if he wants to do something out in public.  It sucks.  Even if he goes out this early, he still ends up getting stopped by a few people, even some paps.

Today, however, he doesn't get stopped by a screaming teenage girl, no.  He gets stopped by a little girl, clinging onto his leg, screaming about how she lost her, 'Da-dee'.


What do ya'll think ?! (: -Lauren

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