Chapter Nineteen

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I cannot stress how much I love all of your feedback, it honestly makes me feel amazing. Thank you all so much for all of your support.

Enjoy the update (:

Harry POV

"Harry! How are you man? Haven't seen you in a couple of days, what's up with that?" I hear Liam ask through the phone.

I think hard about what he said, I guess I haven't seen him and all of the lads in a while. It used to be all of us together, almost everyday, and now I spend every free day I have to be with Louis.

"Yea, I guess I'm just enjoying every moment I have with Louis before we all go on tour. Won't be seeing much of him during the tour, I don't know what I'm going to do!" I breathe out.

"Yeah, I understand that. Savor these moments, I'm sure it's only going to get harder." I nod at his words, even though he can't see.

"Listen, how about we have a guys night? I'm sure one night won't hurt, I've been missing you guys lately." I say to Liam. I can go one night without Louis, right?

"Of course, yea! You have any plans for New Years?" He asks.

"I'll have to check with Louis, but I'm sure he'd understand that I want to have a guys night." I smile, thinking about Louis.

I hear Liam say a muffled 'alright' and then hangs up the phone.

Today is the 30th of December, and tomorrow is New Years Eve, so I should probably talk to Louis, and see what his plans are.

Louis POV

I'm laid on my back, legs extended in the air, with Kaster's hips placed on top of my feet.

Airplane, we call it.

She's holding onto my hands for balance, but she still manages to fall and land on top of my stomach.

"Ooomphh," I breathe out after she lands on my gut, for maybe the tenth time.

She giggles into my chest, "More, more!" She claps.

I'm just about to lift her into the air again, but stop when I hear my phone go off.

"One sec, blossom," I say, with a pat to Kaster's head.

I walk into the kitchen, and grab my phone off of the counter.

Harry: Are you home? Want to talk to you ;) xx

Louis: Yep, just me and Kas! Come on over whenever you can x

I smile at my phone before placing it into my pocket.

"Guess who's coming over?" I ask while picking Kaster up.

She scrunches her nose, "Who?"

"Harry!" I smile, and drop her onto the couch before tickling all over her.

"Daaaaaaadeeeeeee! Stwwwooooooop iiiiiiit," she manages to get out in between laughs.

I pepper her face in kisses, and then place one last peck on her nose, "My sweet angel."

"I lobe you dadee," she says, while reaching out to grab my face. She pulls me down, and gives my a sloppy kiss to my forehead.

"I lobe you too," I say while laughing.

I sit down on the couch, and feel Kaster crawl into my lap. "Movie?" She asks.

"What will it be?" I ask, sitting up to get up and grab the DVD case.

"Hmmmmmm, Monswers Inc?" She asks.

I grab the disk out of the case, and pop it inside of the DVD player.

I quickly grab a blanket, and then sit back down on the couch. I cover Kaster and me, and cuddle with her.

"Da-dee?" She asks, looking up at me through her long eyelashes.

"Yes princess?" I say, bringing my hand up to her face to brush away all of the hair out of her eyes.

"You lobe Harry?"

I smile at her deeply, "Yes, babe. I do."

Her face turns from serious to thrilled, "Yaaaay! I do too," she says the last part into my chest. I feel my heart clench at her words.

"I know you do, love. He's good to you, isn't he?" I ask.

"Yesh, he colors!" She laughs, remembering the drawing he made for her.

I smile down at her, and then return my attention back to the movie, "Yes, he does color."
About thirty minutes into the movie, a knock is heard at the door.

"Harreh!" Kaster shouts before hopping off of my lap.

I get up and follow her to the door.

She struggles to open the door, but finally gets it.

"Hey Kas! What's happening?" He asks, just before bending over to pick her up. He then throws her over his shoulder, and runs all around the house.

"Monsters Inc? That's one of my favorites!" He says, bringing Kaster down finally.

"Wanna join us?" I laugh.

"Wouldn't want to do anything else," he smiles, leaning in to give me a peck.

We are all snuggled on the couch, watching Monsters Inc, and I'm loving every moment of it.

Once the movie finishes, I look down at Kaster, "Kas, looks like it's your bedtime!" I pick her up, and walk her into the bathroom and she tiredly brushes her teeth.

I lay her down into her bed, and give her a kiss goodnight. "Love you baby girl, sweet dreams," I say to her.

I turn out her lights, and then walk to the living room and join Harry.

"Thanks for texting that you were coming over, pleasant surprise that was," I say, reaching over to grab his hand.

"I'm glad I stopped by! But I actually wanted to talk." He says.

"Oh? What about?" I ask, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Well, I just was wondering if you would mind me going out with the lads for New Years Eve? Trust me, I'd want to spend it with you, but I feel like I haven't seen them in a while? And the public needs to know that we are all still getting along, and that nothing's wrong. I can stay here with you tho-"

"Harry!" I cut him off, while laughing.

He catches his breath, and then turns his attention to me.

"Harry, you are allowed to go out with your friends! I can't tell you not to go out with them, I feel like I've been holding you hostage! Have fun on New Years, I'm sure you wouldn't want to spend it with Kaster and I," I lightly chuckle.

"No! If anything, I'd prefer staying here! I love spending time with you guys. I'd rather spend one minute a day with you, than the rest of the day with anyone else," he smiles, showing off his dimples.

I grab him by the neck, and attach our lips.

"I love you, so much," I whisper in between kisses.

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