Chapter Thirty

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Louis POV

One Direction has just finished their tour in Europe, and are heading to America in a week, so Harry and I have been having lots of time with each other recently.

Because Harry is trying to come out soon, I have been having to go out with him in public, to get people used to the thought of Harry being in a relationship with a man. We aren't spotted going out on dates, but more like trips to the grocery store, or hanging out with the rest of the guys.

Harry's management believes that by the end of the American leg of the tour, we will be out. This sounds like a while away, but honestly, it will go by quickly, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it. I know how exciting this is for Harry, so who would I be to bring down his spirit? I could never do that, not after all of his patience. He's been hiding his true identity from his fans for his whole career, and I know how much he wants to be free.

So what am I going to do?

I'm going to try and suck it up for Harry. He had the strength to be a completely different person for years, and I'm afraid of a little attention from negative people? I can't be afraid, because Harry is risking everything for us, so I have to be strong, for Harry.
"How was school?" Harry asks as soon as we enter the flat. He's been staying here for his break, so that we can see each other every chance we get before he leaves again. It's really nice, he cleans while I'm at work.

Kaster runs into his arms, "Good! Miss you," she smiles, pressing a sloppy kiss to Harry's cheek. He places one on her cheek in return, before standing up and walking over to me. "And how was your day?" He smiles, showing his perfect dimple. "It was good, missed you a lot too," I smile, giving Harry a kiss.

"Mhhmmmm," he mumbles into the kiss. We eventually pull apart from each other, and I wrap my arms around him, maintaining contact. "I love you, so much," I whisper. He rubs circles into my back, "I know, baby, and I love you too. Don't ever forget it," he whispers back.

I feel my heart tighten. I love him so much, and I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him, so why am I so scared? Why am I afraid to be the one people see Harry Styles with?

"Hey Kas?" I ask, needing to distract myself from my thoughts right now. "Yesh?" She replies from the other room, finally appearing into the kitchen. I release myself from Harry's grip, and bend down so that I'm at her height level, "Wanna go to the field and pass a ball?"
Harry POV

"Lou, I never was good at football," I shout, just before running towards the ball to kick it with my foot. I trip over the ball, and land straight on my back, just like Charlie Brown.

I hear Kaster and Louis both erupting in a large laughter. I rest my forearms on the ground, and look up to see them both rolling over in the grass, laughing their arses off.

"I'm glad you both find this so funny," I say, trying to sound annoyed.

"Harold! You've got giraffe legs, I swear," Louis says, whipping away a fake tear for exaggeration.

"Ha. Ha. 'S not my fault I didn't grow up playing football every night," I shrug.

Louis nods, "True, I am a pro," he adds, motioning to himself. I roll my eyes, and push myself up from off of the ground.

"Kas?" Louis asks.

"Yes daddy?" She replies, running from across the field into her dads arms.

"Wanna see how many kicks it takes you this time?" He asks, which must be something amazing considering her response, "Yesh! Yesh!" She shouts, jumping out of her fathers arms.

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