Chapter Eight

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Louis POV

Harry is holding my hand. Harry is holding my hand. Harry is holding my hand.

That is all that is running through my brain the rest of dinner.

If I thought I couldn't like Harry any more than I already did, I am clearly mistaken. He's amazing! The way he speaks so highly about his fans, and how grateful he is for everyone that's helped him get to where he is truly makes me realize how genuine he is.

He doesn't take advantage of all of his money, or publicity. If anything, he truly just wants to live a normal life. I love that about him.

As for me, I could care less about him being in a world famous band. Hell, when I first met him I didn't even know he was famous. When I'm with him, it's hard to remember that he isn't a normal 20 year old lad. Everything seems so natural.

At around 9 o'clock in the evening, we find ourselves leaving the restaurant. We had finished eating at 8, but I guess we got lost in conversation that we didn't realize an hour had passed

We make our way over to his car, but before I have enough time to even realize what's going on, I see a bunch of flashes going off in my face. I do what any person would do while being photographed, and cover my face. Harry is leading the way while grabbing my arm to guide me.

"Louis, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize there would be paps, honestly. I really had fun tonight, and this all just ruined it," Harry says once we have finally made it into his car.

"Haz, it's alright! You had no way of possibly knowing they would be here. I had a lot of fun too! Trust me, this didn't ruin my night," I say back, giving him a big smile.

He looks over at me and returns the smile, but not before reaching over to grab my hand. Now, I'm not really sure where we stand. I know for a fact that I'm crazy about him, and I know he's single now. But maybe he doesn't like me in that kind of way? Sure, he's holding my hand, but that's only in a friendly manner, right?

I try to push away the blush on my face, and thank god that it's dark outside, because I'm sure I did a shitty job at trying to hid it.

I give him directions back to my flat, and the car ride back was shorter than I would've liked. Harry, being the gentleman he is, rushes out of the drivers seat, runs around the car, and meets me on the passengers side to open my door. "What a fine gentleman you are!" I say to him, laughing at the end. "My mom raised me well," he replies.

We walk up to my front door, "I really meant it when I said I had a great night, Harry. One of the best nights I've had in a long time."

"I had an amazing night as well. Sorry, again, about the paps, maybe next time you could come over to my place? Just so we won't have to deal with the paps again...." He says, a smile approaching his face.

"Is that your way of asking me to join you for dinner another night?" I ask, a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "I guess it is! I'll text you Lou. Have a good rest of your night."

I start to sprout a frown on my face, knowing that my night with Harry is ending. I'm just about to say goodbye, but Harry interrupts me by placing a quick kiss onto my lips. He didn't even give me time to react, because before I could even comprehend what was happening, he had walked away back to his car.

I stand outside a couple moments longer after Harry had driven away. He kissed me. Yes, he ran away immediately afterwards, but he kissed me!

Oh my god, I definitely sound like a teenage girl, but I could care less.


Harry POV

What the hell did I just do!? Dammit Harry! He doesn't even feel that way towards you. So much for being friends with him.

I genuinely liked Louis, but I know he'll never return those feelings. I mean, who would want to have to be in a secret relationship with me, since I'm not allowed to come out? Louis doesn't deserve that, he doesn't deserve to be hidden.

I would've been satisfied with staying friends with him, that way we could hang out in public, but as friends. So much for that! I ruined any chance I had of being friends with Louis by kissing him tonight.

I couldn't help myself! He looked amazing as fuck tonight, and I let my feelings get the best of me. He must be disgusted.

Oh god.

Louis hasn't mentioned anything to me about being gay. He's probably straight! Why would I assume him being gay?! Oh my god, I feel even more like an idiot.

I drive over to Niall's, because I can't stand being alone right now.

Harry: Niall, I'm outside of your flat, answer your door

Niall: Be there in a minute

Next thing I know, Niall is standing in front of me at the door. "Hey Haz! What brings you here this lovely evening? I thought you were out on a date with Louis..?"

I frown at myself after hearing that, "It wasn't a date, he doesn't feel the same way towards me. Anyways, I might as well kick away any of my chances of being friends after tonight. I let my feelings take over, a-and I kissed him."

"Haz, how do you know he doesn't feel the same way? I mean, who wouldn't want you?! You're hot as fuck, sweet as fuck, and rich as fuck." Niall says, laughing at the end. He never fails to make me smile.

"Ni, as much as I appreciate you trying to make me laugh, I'm serious. Even if he did like me, why would he want to be in a relationship with me? We wouldn't be able to talk about our relationship, or let anyone know about it."

"Haz, If he truly did like you, he wouldn't care about all of the negatives of being in a relationship with you, because all of the positives would cancel them out. There are so many more good things about being with you than there are bad. Stop bringing yourself down. If you really like him, which it sounds to me like you do, talk to him. Let him know, the worst thing he can say is 'no'."

I think about what he said. And it's all true. I've got nothing to loose! Yes, I could be humiliated, and make a fool of myself, but who gives a shit?!

"Thanks Niall, knew you would be the right person to talk to." And with that, I walk out of the door and drive back to my place.

I go inside my house, and head straight to my bed. It's still pretty early, but I'm tired after tonight.

While I'm laying down, I think to myself how I should tell Louis that I like him. Should I kiss him again? See if he kisses me back? I guess I didn't really give him enough time to react tonight.

Now I definitely sound like a teenager.

After about twenty minutes of trying to fall asleep, I realize that I have something to do.

Well, this isn't how I thought it would turn out... I'm not really sure if I like it :/ hopefully the next chapter is better !! Thanks for all of your support (: lauren xx

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