Chapter Seventeen

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Hello Guys ! Here's a quick 'lil update for ya'll !! Enjoy xx

(Louis looks daddy af in the pic on the side ahhhh)

Harry POV

To say I'm nervous would be an understatement...

I'm fucking shitting my pants.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, which means it's Louis' birthday tomorrow, which means I'm meeting his family.

Yes, I've met them before, but that wasn't anything much. It wasn't expected, so I didn't have the chance to have much conversation with them.

From what I've seen so far, they are pretty easy going, and I shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Except I'm still fucking nervous.

"Louuuuuuuu! Today's your last day as a twenty two year old! Don't you wanna do one last thing before you're the big 'ole twenty three?" I ask, practically whining.

"Harry, I'm the one turning twenty three, and I want to be the one to decide what I get to do on my last day being twenty two." He laughs.

It's rounding eight o'clock at night, and Louis just put Kaster down for bed.

It's been a pretty eventful day, we all had a big breakfast together, and then I went out with Kaster to get Louis a birthday present while he was out with a friend.

The rest of our day was spent playing games inside, such as hide-and-go seek, hangman, Sorry, and Uno.

To some this may sound like a long, boring day, but to me, it was one of the best days of my life.

I've learned to cherish the days you spend, just hanging around. Our fourth tour is starting up in February, which means I don't get much of these free days left.

"Harry, you're coming over tomorrow afternoon for lunch, right?" He asks.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm having dinner tomorrow, and am spending Christmas Day with my family." I reply.

Louis smiles over at me, and then joins me on his couch.

He sits criss crossed, and brings his mug of tea that he's holding up to his mouth. He blows on the drink before wrapping his lips around the mug to drink it.

I fond at him for a moment, which turns into a couple seconds. I am brought back to reality once I had been caught staring.

"Haz? Everything alright?" Louis chuckles .

I smile at him, and start to think to myself.

How can I be so attracted to someone, only after knowing them for such a short amount of time? It's only been two months, and I can't imagine spending a day without him.

I look at his eyes, his beautiful deep blue eyes. I always get lost staring at them.

I then find myself reaching over, and my hand comes up to caress his cheek. My thumb padding just above his cheek.

I could spend all day, here, just like this. Admiring the sight that is Louis Tomlinson.

Hell, I'm sure I could write a book the size of a Harry Potter series, just explaining the way Louis picks up the TV remote from the coffee table.

But, that's not it. That's not the reason I'm attracted to him. Sure, he's gorgeous and hot and sexy, but there's something more. A relationship isn't all about the looks.

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