Chapter Eighteen

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Louis POV

"Harry!" My mum shouts as soon as him and I Harry join Kaster.

"Mrs. Tomlinson, it's lovely to see you again! How has your Holiday break been so far?" Harry asks, with such maturity.

Brownie points for him.

"Please, call me Jay, and they have been lovely. Thank you so much for asking," Mum replies, giving Harry a smile.

I'm sure she was blown away by Harry's manners, our family has never been the mature type. We welcome people with giant bear hugs, instead of a firm handshake.

I'm impressed with how quiet Lottie is, but when I see that she is off typing away on her phone, everything becomes much clearer.

Fizzy walks up to Harry and I, and gives Harry I pat on the shoulder before turning her attention to me, "Can I have something to eat? I didn't eat on the drive here and I feel like I could eat a cow!" She explains, and I let out a small chuckle.

"Sure, this way," I say, while motioning my hand for her to come and follow me into the kitchen.

"Anyone else hungry?" I yell from the kitchen, only receiving muffled "no's" from the front.

While everyone is still near the front door talking with one another, I decide I should probably get to know a little more about Fizzy's life. I haven't seen her in months!

"So, Fizzy Pop, anything new?" I ask, while slicing a piece of bread for her PB&J.

"Nothing much, busy with homework, friend drama, nothing's new," she replies, while picking at her finger nails, sounding monotoned.

I nod my head, "I sure hope there aren't any guys I have to be concerned about ..." I say, trying to lighten the conversation. 

I look up to see her face a deep red, plastered in a smile that she's trying to hide.

"Nah," she lies.

"You are so lying! Fizz! You promised me that you'd never get interested in boys!" I whine.

She laughs, "When did I ever promise you that?" She asks smugly.

I set the jelly covered knife down, and cross my arms over my chest before looking at her, "On your eight birthday," I say matter-of-factly.

She rolls her eyes at me, "Whatever ya prick, can you just finish my sandwich?"

She may only be fourteen, but her sass is ace.

Must run in the family.


"Happy Birthday dear, Louiiiiiiis. Happy birthday to yoooouuuuu!" Everyone sings out, while mum places a cake directly in front of me.

We are all sat at the kitchen table, and are stuffed out of our minds after a delicious meal of homemade lasagna.

My stomach hurts just thinking about eating a slice of cake, but screw it, you only turn twenty three once !

"Make a wish!" Harry yells sheepishly, while patting my thigh.

I close my eyes for a brief moment, and then blow out all twenty two candles.

There's a small eruption of cheers, and I share a quick smile with everyone.

I stand up abruptly, gaining everyone's attention, "Thank you all, so much, for coming over to help celebrate my birthday, I know there must have been some Holiday parties you girls could've been attending," I say, looking at Lottie and Fizzy, "And I know you are probably wanting to visit your family soon," I say turning my attention to Harry, "So thank you, I've had a lovely day."

I sit back down, and Harry grabs my hand from under the table.

The same sparks that usually flow through me whenever we have any type of contact with one another immediately flies throughout my entire body. I rub the pad of my thumb over his knuckles, and give him a smile, "Thank you," I whisper.

He gives me a questioning look, but before he has time to ask, he's interrupted by Kaster.

"Cake!" She screams.

We all laugh, until finally my mum speaks up, "Lotts, why don't you go and fetch us some plates, and I'll serve us all some cake?"

Lottie nods her head, and makes her way into the kitchen.

A couple seconds later, she returns to the table, placing a stack of plates in front of mum, who starts to place slices of cake onto the plates.

Mum and the girls had made it, and it was absolutely delicious.

I hear a choir of 'awwwwwws' , so I look up from my cake to see what all the commotion is about. I look across from me, only to see Kaster with chocolate cake spread all over her face, and hands.

I rush to grab my phone out from my back pocket, and snap a quick picture of her.

Harry taps my leg with his foot from under the table, "You're going to have to send me that one," he smiles.

I return the smile, but can't help my stomach from curling.

Harry wants to have a picture of Kaster on his phone? He loves her that much? Does he share the same love for her that I have? Am I over analyzing everything?


Daisy and Phoebe are still sitting at the table, playing some sort of hand shake game, while the rest of the family are cleaning the dishes. I had insisted on them not cleaning them since they are the guests, but they claimed it wasn't any problem.

I make my way to the couch to join Harry and Kaster, "How's my baby girl?" I ask, picking Kaster up before sitting down on the couch next to Harry, cuddling with her in my lap.

"Gwood, how's da-dee?" She says into my chest.

I rub circles into her back, while looking at Harry, having a silent conversation with him.

Someone watching us probably would think we are lunatics, but everything is natural.

Staring into his eyes, I feel something in my chest that I haven't ever felt before.

This, here, is perfect.

My family absolutely adores Harry, and Kaster loves him like another father.

Everything is so obvious, and I have no clue why it took me this long.

"I love you," I whisper.

Harry looks at me in disbelief, "w-what?" He asks.

"I love you." I say with more confidence, "Yes, Harry Styles, I love you," I smile.

But Harry only stares at me.

Oh shit.

Oh shit!

It's like my worst nightmare mare times a million, Harry doesn't feel the same way. I had rushed into it all, and now I'm fucked.

"Harry, I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, it's too-" I'm cut off by Harry's lips crashing into mine. His hands grabbing on both sides of my face. He pulls away, and looks at my with a smile that looks like it could cure cancer.

"Louis Tomlinson, I love you too. You have no clue how many times I have tried to say those words to you." He says, his eyes starting to glass over with a fresh pair of tears.

I start to feel the tears welling up in my eyes also, and soon enough, I feel a drop of water land on my cheek.

Harry leans in, and kisses it away.

I look down at Kaster, to see her fast asleep in my chest. Next, I look over my shoulder, and see all of my family in the other room, sharing laughs with one another.

Nothing could be better


Well, I wasn't planning on updating tonight, so surprise !! Lol, I hope you enjoy the story so far, and enjoy this chapter (: lauren xx

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