Chapter Thirty Three

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Guys ..... 5K reads ? WHAT !? Thank you so so so much ! Love each and every one of y'all so very much x

Sorry for the wait !! I wanted to make this chapter a lot longer (:

Enjoy the update !!

Louis POV

I roll my eyes at Harry, of course he doesn't understand! Everything is handed to him on a silver platter, and he doesn't have to worry about providing for anyone except himself, which can't be hard considering he makes a million dollars a day. "Harry, I can't afford missing work. I know money is never an issue for you, so it may be hard for you to comprehend," I laugh.

He puts his hands over his forehead, and shakes his head, "God, Louis! How many times do I have to offer? I will pay for the trip. I will pay for groceries. I will pay for anything, if you are in need of help! I stay over at your flat more than I stay at my own, I'd say I practically live here," he chuckles, lightening up the conversation.

I nod my head, and give him an understanding smile, "Haz, I appreciate that, I really do. But, I was doing just fine financially before I started dating you. The fact we're together shouldn't change that, so I don't need to paying for anything!" I explain, giving him a peck on the cheek.

I walk past him to pick up Kaster, who is sitting on the living room sofa, gently combing her doll's hair. "C'mon Kas, time for bed," I say, sitting down in front of the couch, so that she has access to my back. She slowly crawls on, due to her tiredness.

I walk through the flat, Harry following closely behind, and approach Kaster's bedroom. We both tuck her into her bed, and she sleepily says her goodnight prayers. "Have plenty of sweet dreams," Harry whispers, moving Kaster's hair away from her forehead, giving him access to plant a kiss there. I smile at them both, "Goodnight Kaster Master. I hope you grow five inches tonight, and become big and strong!" I exclaim quietly, lifting my arms I the air, pretending to flex. Kaster giggles, and mimics my actions. "Really tall," she yawns. I give her a quick peck, and then exit her room with Harry.

"You're so good with her, and she's already turning into a smaller you. A few years, and you'll have a lil' Louis running around," Harry smiles, enwrapping me into a giant hug. "No." I say into his chest. He pulls away, hands placed on both of my shoulders, "No? No what?" He asks, eyebrows furrowing together. I shake my head, "You said that in a few years I'll have a little Louis running around the house," I laugh, "I won't have a little Kaster, we will," I explain, a smile on my face. Harry gives me a a heart warming smile, "You'd want that?" He asks, the smile never leaving. "Of course I want that," I say, lightly laughing.

We both smile at each other for the longest time, maybe minutes? Harry lets out a quiet yawn, which is upsetting considering that it's only half past eight, "Tired?" I laugh. Harry leans forward, closing the space between us, "Exhausted," he breathes out as soon as we pull apart.

I walk us to my room, and we both head to the bathroom before getting in bed. Our bodies move around each other's in perfect synch, as we both walk around looking for our toothbrushes, and stuff like that.

As soon as I finish getting ready, tiredness fills my body, and I drag myself over to my bed, and wait for Harry to join. He settles in a few seconds later, and I immediately crawl into his arms. I lay my head in his chest, and breathe in his oh so familiar scent.

"Lou," Harry says gently, almost sounding unsure if he should speak or not. "Yes?" I chuckle. I can hear and feel Harry taking a deep breath in, "I'm going to ask you again," he starts, "Will you please come to the next part of the tour with me?" He asks, practically whispering. I take a deep breath in, "Harry, I'd love to, you know that. But a twelve hour flight to California? Not to mention all of the other flights we would have to take to get to the other cities. And having to try and hide from the paps? Kaster won't be able to handle that, hell, I don't know if I could." I explain, letting out a deep sigh once I finish.

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