Chapter Twenty Six

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Okay, first things first: Today, this story reached 3,000 reads !? WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK!? Thank you guys soooooo much! I never imagined my first fanfic getting this much appreciation.

Second of all: I wanted to ask you guys about thoughts on where you would like to see this story go? Or plans you have for the rest of this story! I have some ideas, but am always open for more!

Thank you so much (: enjoy the update x Lauren

Harry POV

"Thank you so much Sydney! You guys have been lovely these past two shows!" I shout into the microphone one last time, before finally being lowered below the stage.

"Good work lads," Niall says, jumping all around the place.

The rest of the guys and I chuckle, "Yea, nice job, good way to start up the tour," Liam smiles.

I socialize with the guys and the rest of the crew before finally excusing myself.

It is around eleven o'clock, which means it is almost two in the afternoon in London. Louis is at work, so he probably wouldn't answer his phone. I called him before he went to work, I'm sure I can wait three more hours, although I am really tired.

I'm walking around backstage when I feel someone jumping onto my back, "Get the hell off of me!" I yell, laughing slightly.

I hear a feminine chuckle come from behind me, and I immediately turn my head. "Gems!" I yell.

She hops off of my back, and gives me a proper hug. We both stand there in each other's embrace for a couple moments. I haven't seen her since Christmas, which may have only been two month ago, but it feels like ages ago.

"How've you been, lil bro?" She laughs, patting my head, messing my curls up.

I grumble, and shake my head once she moves her hand, "I'm good, you?" I laugh. God, I really have missed her.

"I've fine, just missed you, and thought it'd be fun to surprise you! I'm staying for the next two shows, if that's alright?" She asks.

I give her another hug, "Perfect," I smile.
I take a quick nap in the hotel, but wake up at three in the morning. I decide that now is a good time to call Lou.

I reach over the bed, and grab for my phone that is being charged on the bedside table.

"Ello?" I hear Louis chirpily ask.

"Hi there," I smile, voice all groggy from just waking up at three in the morning.

"Haz! What are you doing still up? What, isn't it past midnight?" He asks.

"It's three, but I was awake, and wanted to talk to you," I smile through the phone.

"Well isn't that sweet of you," he laughs, "The show go well? You reminded me this morning that you had your second show of the tour today."

I smile at that, he remembers these things, and it makes me realize how much he cares, "It's been amazing so far! Can't wait to be back in the UK though, I'll be able to visit in between shows more," I say.

"I can't wait either, but I think we're doing pretty well so far!" Louis explains.

I laugh slightly, "Lou, babe, it hasn't been a week!"

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