Chapter Twenty

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Harry POV

"Okay, Lou, there might be pictures on magazines and stuff of the lads and I. Just listen to me, though, the paps always get it wrong, so if you see or hear anything about 'What One Direction Did Over New Years,' please, don't jump to conclusions...." I say, practically begging Louis.

I don't need a fucking magazine article getting in the way of our relationship. The guys and I haven't gone out in the public together in a while, so they haven't gotten any chance to write a 'juicy' article, that people would actually want to read.

"Harry! Trust me, if I hear anything that I'm not particularly fond of, I'll come to you first. I'm not one to jump to conclusions," he says.

I laugh at that, "You very well are one to jump to conclusions, Lou," I chuckle.

He rolls his eyes at me, "Goodbye," he says, shoving me out the door.
I want to go home.

And by home, I mean with Louis and Kaster. They have been my home lately.

Yes, I love hanging out with the guys, and I get that their vision of 'having fun' is getting wasted, because we are young lads, but lately, drinking is at the bottom of my list of things I'd want to be doing.

I would always enjoy a night out, and going out to get drunk, but now that I have Louis, that's not what I picture when I hear 'fun'.

"I'll go up and get us another round!" Niall shouts over the loud music.

I haven't really gotten into the dancing or socializing yet tonight, I guess my mind has been focused on other things, or people I should say.

Maybe drinking will be my only hope tonight?

Louis POV

At around six, I got a text from El. She was wondering if Kaster and I had any plans for New Years, and if we'd want to join her and Nate.

I gladly replied with a 'yes'. Kaster hasn't seen Nate in a while, and the last time I saw El was when Harry and Kaster went birthday shopping for me.

On our way over to Eleanor's, I stop by a grocery shop, and get some snacks, a proper guest I am.

Kaster and I return to the car after stopping at the store, and continue on our way to Eleanor's. I turn on the radio softly, just to fill the quiet air.

I immediately recognize the song playing,

We're only getting older, baby.

And I've been thinking about, you lately.

Does it ever drive you crazy?

Just how fast the night, changes.

I soon find myself quietly singing along to the lyrics. A beautiful song that is.

"It's Harreh!" Kaster shouts.

"It sure is! Do you like this song?" I ask, chuckling slightly.

"Of cowse! Harreh have pwetty voice."

The rest of the car ride, Kaster compliments Harry's singing, and hums along to the rest of the song.
"Eleanor! Happy New Year!" I shot as soon as she opens the door.

She welcomes me in open arms, "Louis! How are you! It's been a while," she says into my neck.

I release from the hug, grab Kaster's hand, and walk into the flat.

"I've been good, thanks for asking," I smile.

"Good to hear that," she says, with a pat to my back.

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