Chapter Twenty Five

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Louis POV

"Harry! Is it so wrong of me to want to take my boyfriend out for dinner on the last night we will be with each other for a while?" I ask, starting to raise my voice.

Lately, we've been having arguments over the smallest of things, and if you ask me, I think it's only because Harry is leaving soon, so there is more stress between us.

Harry walks over to me, and places both of his hands on my shoulders, "Lou! Of course there isn't," he laughs. "I think it would only be more special if we spent our last night together alone, just cuddling, watch a movie or something," he smiles, showing off his perfect dimples.

I lean in, and give him a sweet kiss, but what was meant to be a peck turned into a heated make out session. We moved ourselves over to the couch, and I'm starting to thank whatever greater being there is above, that Eleanor offered for Kaster to stay the night at their place.

Harry and I are both laid out across my couch, legs tangled together, mouths on one another's, while whispering small, 'I love you's' in between.

"Lou," Harry breathes, "I cannot imagine being away, and I'm so sorry that I'm leaving, but please, just, p-please don't leave," Harry whispers, grabbing onto my hand that is placed on his cheek, "Haz, don't ever think that way, I'm never leaving," I whisper back, and connect our lips once again.

"Alright, so since we are staying here for dinner, what do you want?" I ask, snuggling into Harry.

"Anything is fine with me, as long as I'm with you," he smiles, looking down at me.

I roll my eyes at that, "You're such a sap," I laugh.

"But you love me," he says, a smile on his lips.

"Yeah," I smile, "Yea I do," I whisper, curling closer into Harry.

He rubs small circles into the small of my back, and I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to live without this for the next couple of months. Sure, he'll be visiting every once in a while in between shows, or breaks in the tour, but it I'll only be for a day or two. Also, I'm sure he'll want to visit family, or maybe wants couple nights of freedom for himself.

"I'm going to miss you," I whisper into his chest. "I'll miss you too, but I'm not going anywhere, I'm always yours," he replies.

I smile, "What time is it? I should probably start getting food ready, yeah?" I say, sitting up from my position.

I see Harry reach across the coffee table to grab his phone and check the time, "5 exactly," he says.

"Alright! Whatcha want? I ask, walking over to the fridge, and looking at our options.

"Nothing special, whatever you can make without burning down the flat, I guess," he laughs.

"Hey, I made a bag of popcorn yesterday for Kaster and I. The place is still standing, isn't it?" I ask, motioning to the flat.

Harry shakes his head, and walks towards me, "Congratulations! You successfully made a bag of popcorn without burning anything! You should get an award," he laughs.

"Ha ha," I say sarcastically, "I'm making pasta, and I hope it burns."

Harry bursts into laughter at that one, "Louuuu," he whines jokingly.

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