Chapter Four

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Here's another update !! I will eventually decide on a certain amount of updates per week, but as of now, I just want to get the story started. Make sense ? No ? Okay... Haha, lauren (:

Harry P.O.V.

For my only Saturday that I have free for a while, I decided that I should enjoy myself.

I am walking around the streets of London, while wearing a headscarf and a pair of sunglasses, so that I'm wearing some sort of disguise. I know it's not much, but it somewhat reduces the amount of times I'm stopped and asked to take pictures with fans. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans!  One Direction wouldn't be where we are now without them! It's just, I miss being able to go out and eat lunch without being photographed.

I just about to stop inside of a small cafe to get a quick cup of coffee when I start getting photographed.  I continue on with what I'm doing, and walk into the shop.  I order my coffee, and once it's handed to me, I smile at the cashier, and make my turn to head out.

As soon as I turn around, I see him. Louis. How? I had basically lost all hope in running into him again, but now that he's here, I'm not letting him get away without talking to him.  I try calling out his name, but he doesn't flinch, so I do the next best thing: I intentionally run into him.

I can tell he looks pissed, I would be too if someone just about knocked me over. But as soon as he locks eyes with me, I can see his face relax. His facial expression almost seems, happy? He's happy to see me? No. No, it's all in my head. Dammit Styles, get it together.  It's not like you have a chance with him anyways, as soon as Louis finds out you're a member of a boy band, he'll leave. Assuming that he doesn't already know ...

"M'sorry, I couldn't really think of another way to get your attention." I say simply to him, showing off another dimpled smile. I'm not one of those overly confident guys, but I do know that dimples can win just about anyone over.

"Curly?" I laugh at that. Nope. He definitely doesn't recognize me as an international pop star, he can't even remember my own name! "Hello to you, too. And it's Harry, by the way ..." I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks, oh what this boy does to me.

"You didn't think I'd forget a rather cheeky, attractive young man like yourself, did you? I was only messing with ya Harry" Louis says with a wink at the end. Wait. A wink!? Was he flirting with me?! No, you're over analyzing things Harry, stop overreacting.

"I-I, no, I mean, yea..?" God, now I'm stuttering like a teenage girl talking to her first real crush.

"Calm down H! I'm only joking! Jesus, I hope I'm you're not that intimated by me already ..." After how I responded last time, I'm afraid to even speak. So, I just settle with a chuckle. 

Louis seems to realize that the conversation has died down, so he gives me a nod, and turns to walk away, but before he can, I shout at him to wait.

He turns around, looking a bit surprised by my action, but before he can question me, I quickly ask him, "Would it be weird if I asked for your number?" He gives me a small smile, "of course not Haz, you don't mind me calling you Haz, do you?" I laugh at him, it seems to me that everything he says to me, I find funny. Weird. "Nope. Rather fond of the nickname, actually"

After he gave me his number, we both go our separate ways. And, just like the last time I was walking away from Louis, I can't get a certain pair of blue eyes out of my head


Louis POV


What has gotten into me !? Yes, I know I can't be the only person to say that Harry is hot as fuck, which is an understatement.  I've never seen someone like him. It could be the dimples, or him beautiful emerald eyes that anyone can get lost in, or maybe it's the curls that I can't help but imagine trailing my hand through as he- Fuck! I can't be having these thoughts! I have only just met him, and I don't even know if he's gay! One could say that he was trying to flirt with me by asking for my number, but it could've been just a simple act of gracefulness!

I hope for the first

It's still pretty early in the evening, and I have no clue with how to spend the rest of my day.  I remember this morning going to cook some scrambled eggs, and discovering that we had run out, so I decide to pick up a carton of eggs.

I'm parking my car outside of the grocery store, when I get a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Lou ! It's Harry, just thought I'd text you so that you'd have my number ;)

Such a cheeky little bastard

Louis: Why hello there Haz. M'not sure why you didn't just give me your number in the cafe then ....

Harry: Don't question the method to my madness ;)

Louis: Are you trying to flirt?

Harry: Depends ...

Harry: Hey Lou !! What did the apple say to the apple pie ?

Louis: I don't know, but I have a feeling I'm about to find out ...

Harry: You've got some nice crust

Louis: That was bloody awful

Harry:      :/

I can't help the smile that forms on his face. How does Harry have this sort of effect on me already??

I walk into the store, grab some eggs, and head onto the checkout lines. I set the eggs, and a few other snacks that I found, set them on the conveyor belt, and wait for the checkout lady to finish. As I'm waiting, I look over the magazines that are on display.  Out of the tens of magazines, only one catches my eye,

"Harry Styles, no longer on the market!! Read more to find about his new relationship with Kendall Jenner!"

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