Chapter Twenty Nine

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4K reads !! Guys! ASKSKDIFIEKAKXJ that's amazing !! Thank you so so so so soooooo much, I appreciate it so much (:

Enjoy this update x -Lauren

Harry POV

"Harry, we'll be with you every step of the way, you just have to turn your shoulder and we'll be there to back you up," Niall says, placing his hand on my shoulder.

All four of us are stood outside of management's office. I called them an hour ago, explaining how we all needed to talk to them, and that it was urgent. I don't know what came over me. Maybe it's the fact that I can't be with Louis 24/7 while I'm touring, so being out in a public relationship with him will allow us to hang onto each other easier while being away.

Yes, that's exactly why.

I'm afraid that because nobody knows about us, it will be easier for him to break it off. I know how hard it is on him, having me back to visit, only to leave him again, constantly. If I show him that I am in this relationship for the long run, he will want to hang onto me a little harder, and won't let me go because I'm not always with him.

Hopefully, someday I can be with him everyday, but right now, I can't do that.

"Yea," Zayn cuts in, "All of us are okay with it, so screw management and what they say."

"Harry, you're proud of who you are, and you've been hiding it for way too long. They will be understanding if you are persistent. I know how much you have wished to be out, Harry, but the second they told you 'no', you let it go. Let them know it's something that we can all deal with the consequences of!" Liam explains, his mature side showing.

I nod my head in understanding. "And besides," Niall starts, "Have you ever been in a relationship with someone that you wanted to come out to the public? Hell, I don't think you've been with a guy since we started," Niall finishes. 

"You're right," I explain, finding some courage, "Louis is the only person I would want to come out for, he makes me happy, and I'd do anything to maintain that happiness."

With my newfound confidence, I storm into the office without knocking, startling the four men that are all sat down at the long conference table. Niall, Liam, and Zayn all follow behind me.

"Listen, and listen closely."
"Lou? Are you home? I'm stopping by," I say into the Bluetooth speaker, as I'm driving.

"Harry? Yea, yea I'm home. But, you aren't supposed to be visiting for another week? Don't you have a show tomorrow in Finland?" I her him ask through the speakers.

"Yes, but something important came up, and I need to speak with you," I say.

"Harry, is everything alri-" I hang up before he can finish his sentence. I'm probably scaring him by cutting him off, but I'm too focused on how I'm going to explain everything to him.

I drive for an hour, since I came straight from management, and traffics a bitch, and finally pull into Louis complex. I run to his door, and knock frantically.

"Harry! Are you okay? What's the matter? What did yo-" I slam my lips onto Louis' to shut him up, and to enjoy the taste of him, because I miss it every second that I am away.

"Everything's fine, just want to talk is all," I smile.

He shuts the door, and walks us into the flat, "Haz, you're scaring me," he says softly.

"No! Nothing bad is happening, I just have to explain some stuff," I say, giving him a reassuring smile.

He nods, and sits down on the couch, and I follow him.

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