Chapter Thirty Five

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Harry POV

"Louis? You're positive..." I ask, one last time. He smiles, and shakes his head while looking towards the ground,"Haz, you've asked me three times in the last minute! Yes, Kaster and I both want this," he smiles, finally looking back at me. I return the smile, and return my attention back to my phone. My finger hovers over the "Post" button. I look one last time at Louis for confirmation. He smiles, and nods his head. I find the courage to post the picture on Instagram, which basically tells the world everything we want them to know for now.

After the American tour, Louis and I decided to take the opportunity to come out. The whole One Direction fandom knows Louis, from seeing him in public with me. Some of the fans had started assuming that we were a couple around the time we had just started dating, and before coming out was even an option.

So how did Louis and I come out? Well, we decided that we should just do it out of the blue, without any speculation about it happening. I pulled my phone out, snapped a picture of me placing a kiss on Louis' lips, and posted it on Instagram with the caption, 'I wanna be free, and I wanna be young.'

I look over at Louis, and wrap him in one of the tightest hugs ever, "We did it babe," I smile, tears rolling down my face. I hear snuffling coming from under me, so I pull apart to take a look at Lou. He is wearing one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen him wear, "We did it. I love you so much," he cries, enwrapping me in another hug.

We lay in each other's arms for a long time. We eventually fall asleep, just like that.
Louis POV

I wake up to a familiar pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I open my eyes, and see that I am face to face with the love of my life. I also notice, that we are laying on the couch of the flat. Home.

I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to be with Harry the past two months, and I'm glad that it went as well as it did, but I'm also very thankful that we're finally home.

I slowly unwrap Harry's arms from my torso, and gently climb off of the couch. Harry stirs around a little bit, but then settles down and continues to sleep. I walk over to the kitchen, and grab my phone to check the time, only to see that it is already turned on, being blown up with text messages and calls.


I answer the next call that appears on my screen without reading the Caller ID

"Ello?" I ask chirpily.

"Louis William Tomlinson! What in gods name are you doing? I respect your relationship with Harry, but what were you thinking?" I hear my mum shout through the phone. I laugh, "Mum! Calm down, it was an 'in the moment' situation. Harry and I have talked about coming out for a while now, and just thought we should get it over with," I smile, recalling the previous events that have just recently occurred. She huffs, "A nice little heads up would've been lovely. Lotts and Fiz have been getting lots of texts and calls, as I'm sure you have, too. I have to say, I think they're enjoying the attention," mum chuckles. I grin, "Well, I just woke up from a quick nap. Kas, Harry, and I just got home a couple of hours ago. I haven't gotten the chance to look at my phone," I explain.

Mum continues to talk about how she wants to make sure I keep Kaster safe, and to make sure I portray myself as, 'a nice young man.' "Alright mum, thanks for calling. I'll make sure to check in soon, but it's getting late, and I should start getting something started for dinner," I explain politely, wanting to hang up the phone so that I can join Harry again. "Alright Lou, have a lovely evening. Tell Kaster and Harry I say hi, and best of wishes for you and Harry," she says, and I can hear her smiling through my phone, "Thanks mum, love you." I say before hanging up.

I jump when I feel two hands grip my side. I turn around to face a groggy Harry, "Hello love, seep well?" I laugh, tracing my fingers through his curls. He smiles at me, popping his dimple out at me, "Slept wonderfully. Had the best dream," he says intelligently. I furrow my eyebrows, but smile, "What about?" I laugh. "Well," Harry starts, moving his hands to my back, "I dreamt about having an amazing date, with an amazing guy. We were eating dinner at a restaurant, and when the night came to an end, we finished the date off with a kiss. In front of everyone," he smiles quirkily at my. I roll my eyes, "You're a sap, you know that?" I laugh, giving him a kiss.

When we separate, I am reminded that I have to do something about dinner, "Haz, I'm gonna head out and get some groceries. We haven't been home for a couple of months, everything is either old, or we don't have it," I laugh, ruffling my hair back. He nods, "Alright, I'll watch Kas. She'll probably still be sleeping when you get back, though, she's gutted." I give Harry one last kiss before heading out the front door of the flat, and head towards my car.

It's not until I'm driving on my way home from getting groceries, that I realize how tired I still am, so I take matters into my own hands, and drive to a Starbucks to grab a quick cuppa. I send Harry a text asking if he wants anything, which he replies with a 'no'.

I walk inside, and wait patiently behind a few people who are ordering. I order next, and then wait, again, for my tea. As I'm waiting behind the counter, something catches the corner of my eye. I turn my head slightly to my right, and see a teenage girl holding her phone up to her face. Her cheeks turn a deep crimson after she realizes that she's been caught. I laugh, and shake my head.  I guess being portrayed as a friend of Harry Styles and as his boyfriend makes a significant difference in the amount of attention I receive.

As soon as I receive my freshly brewed tea, I exit Starbucks, and walk back to my car. After driving for ten minutes, I find myself parking my car in the parking lot of the flats. I walk to my front door, and walk straight on in with bags of groceries in my hands. "Harry? Kaster? I'm back!" I call, dropping the bags as soon as I walk in the kitchen.

"Harry, Kaster?" I call again, unsure of where they are. I walk around the flat, still no sign of them. Finally, I decide to check Kaster's room, and, sure enough, there they both lay, sound asleep.

I laugh, and pull out my phone to snap a quick picture.

Then, I am reminded that everyone is aware of our relationship, so I can share the picture with everyone.

I open up my Instagram app, and post the picture with the comment, 'I leave the house for a minute, and come home to this. Sweet dreams xx'

I smile and admire the picture after it finishes loading to post. I then pocket my phone, and walk into the kitchen to get dinner ready.

As I'm getting everything ready, I smile back on all of the memories Harry and I have created in such a short amount of time. Now, we are able to share these memories, with everyone.

Everything is simply perfect.


AYYYE DID YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE !?!? Haha, I hate myself, lol. ANYWAYS: thanks so much. I think the story is coming close to an end, maybe a couple of chapters left. (I have no clue honestly, there may possibly be fifteen chapters left, lol)

Thank you all, again, so much!

Much love, Lauren x

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