Chapter Thirteen

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Louis POV

Im sitting in the passengers seat of Harry's Range Rover, staring over at Harry. His eyes are focused on the road, and he's biting his lower lip in concentration. It's a little after six in the evening, so the sun is just about ready to set. Since it's the middle of November, the sun is setting a lot earlier. The headlights from other cars that pass by are shining onto Harry's face, allowing me to see his beautiful green eyes, and thin, red lips.

The car comes to a stop at a red light. "You know, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with you staring at me so obviously." Harry states.

"S'not my fault that I'm going on a date with a very well dressed man," I say, immideately regretting my choice of words as soon as they leave my mouth.

"Date?" Harry smiles, and presses on the gas once the light turns green.

"I mean, whatever you want to call it," I shrug it off as if it were nothing

"Can we call this a date, Lou? As long as that's okay with you..." he blushes. I can't believe how hard of a topic it is for him to talk about. He's Harry Styles! Shouldn't he be more confident in himself?

I give him a large grin, "Haz, I think we both know our feelings for one another, and that the relationship we have with each other is too friendly for us to be only friends. So to answer your question, yes. I'd love to consider this a date." I smile at him.

He looks over at me for a second, giving me his dimpled smile.

Damn those dimples.

We are walking down the streets of London, and it's lovely. I had thrown on a black jacket to go overtop my shirt, since it's fucking freezing in November. Harry and I can't walk hand in hand, and it's a little upsetting since we just came to the conclusion that this is a date. But, you never know when someone is going to take a picture, and since his managment doesn't want him coming out to the public yet, Harry and I have to keep our relationship as friendly as possible. To the public, that is.

We cross a street, and Harry points off into the distance to the restaurant we will be eating at tonight. And let me tell you, casual isn't the first thing to enter my mind when I see the restaurant.

When Harry said to dress casual, I was expecting us to just walk together and pick up a hotdog along the way.

"Haz, don't you think I look a bit underdressed? I know you said casual, but this seems to be the type of restaurant you'd want to dress up for..."

Harry spins his head around to look at me, "Nah, it looks a lot nicer on the outside than it does on the inside. I used to come here to eat with my family as a kid when we would visit London. Honestly, it's nothing too fancy," he smiles.

I follow him into the restaurant, and, like he said, it isn't anything much. I'm rather quite fond of the place, it's a bit surprising that I've never been here before.

"Harry! Good to see you again! Table for two?" The man standing at the front says, sounding a bit too friendly. I assume since Harry says he's been here a lot as a kid, that's how the man recognizes him. However, the man doesn't look like he could be much older than me, Harry must continue to eat here often.

"Yes, that'd be great. Thanks Nick," Harry says.

We follow Nick, I assume his name is, to a small booth at the back of the restaurant. "I'll take your drink orders while you wait for your waiter," he says.

"I'll have have a water, and he'll have a Diet Coke with water, please," Harry says, ordering my drink for me. It's a small gesture, but it makes my heart swell.

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