Chapter Thirty Eight

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Hey guys!! Another update for all you lovelies xx

And I'm not really sure about the picture on the side .... I just though it was beautiful and I wanted to share it with you all


Enjoy ! Hahahaha

Lauren x

Louis POV

October thirteenth is a busy day. It takes place on a Tuesday, so I decide that I'll be taking work off today, and just drop Kaster off at school, which isn't a smart idea considering how many days I've missed in the past.

Oh well, I was planning on teaching at a different school sooner or later.

"Haz, I'm back from dropping off Kaster!" I shout, shutting the flat foot behind me. I walk farther into the flat, and set my car keys down on top of the counter.

I turn the corner and start walking towards the living room, only to see Harry stood there holding the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I have ever seen. "Harry..." I say dumbfounded as I walk closer to him. "Happy anniversary Lou," he smiles, pulling me into a quick, loving kiss.

I pull away, and take a better look at the flowers. They are the brightest shade of red that I have ever seen, and the smell reminds me of the fresh air after a spring storm.

"I love them, and you. Thank you so much," I smile, placing my nose closer to the flowers, so that I can get another smell of them.

Harry laughs, and pulls me into a strong hug. "It's been one year," he mumbles into my shoulder, still holding me close. I nod into his chest, "It sure has. It's weird, time has flown by, but yet it seems like I've known you a lot longer. Weird, isn't it?" I question, pulling my head back so that I can see his reaction. Harry's lips pry upwards into a small, tight smile. "It seems like I've known you my whole life. I wish I had, though. Everyday would've seemed like Christmas if I had someone like Louis Tomlinson around."
Harry and I are lazily spread across the living room couch, laying down quietly. I abruptly sit up, and run into the coat closet.

"Lou? Something wrong?" I hear Harry ask from a distance. "Yes! Just forgot something," I yell back, opening the door, and bending down to grab a perfectly wrapped gift box.

I can't wrap gifts for shit, so I made my mum drive over and help me.

I walk back over to Harry, placing the medium sized box in front of Harry, "I completely forgot about your gift," I chuckle, and Harry looks up at me confused. "Don't look at me like that! You gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. This is my gift to you," I explain, shoving the box in his hands.

Harry gives me one last look, before carefully unwrapping the box.

Harry POV

Even though I know we won't be reusing the wrapping paper, I've always found it polite to carefully unwrap gifts. I can see Louis' annoyed face, as I'm taking too long to unwrap his gift. I chuckle to myself. I lift up one last corner of paper, and then throw the trash on the floor, opening up the box that holds my gift.

I reach in with both hands, and pull out a plain, white book.

I turn to Louis, who is biting his lip anxiously, obviously waiting for my reaction.

I open to book, and find a selfie that Louis and I took on our very first date, exactly one year ago. I smile at the fond memory. That was the night we walked around London, and then went out for dinner, only for Nick to be our waiter.

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