Chapter Twenty Three

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Guys ! It's been a while ! So sorry it took so long, agh!

I know y'all can relate, schoolwork can be overwhelming, so I've just been busy with that stuff...

Anyways, you don't need my whole backstory, haha.

Enjoy the update (:

Lauren x

Louis POV

"Alright, Kas. Ya want chocolate cake with chocolate icing? Or vanilla?" I ask, pointing to the cans of icing on the shelf.

She reaches up towards me, so I lean down to pick her up. She grabs out to the vanilla icing.

"Chocolate and vanilla?" I ask.

"Yesh! Different colors," she says, a smile on her face.

I laugh at her, "Yep, then it will have different colors."

We walk to the check out, and place the icing, and a few other food items on the counter.

"Dadee! Is Harreh!" Kaster screams, reaching to a magazine on the rack.

She understands that Harry is a singer, and is in a band, but she hasn't quite comprehended the fact he is famous, and that girls all over the world want to rip his shirt off whenever they lay eyes on him.

"Yep, it's Harry," I say looking at the magazine.

'Who is this mystery man that has been spotted on multiple occasions with our Harry?'

It reads on the front cover.


Harry and I thought we were being really careful while walking around, and going out for lunch.

I get that there will always be pictures, but I honestly thought people wouldn't catch on that Harry is going out with the same guy whenever he goes out.

The last thing I want is to be the reason Harry's career falls apart.

Of course, I want to be able to walk around hand-in-hand with Harry in public, but if Harry's management is concerned about it ruining his image, I don't want to be held responsible.

I ignore the magazine, and finish paying for the groceries.

I pick up the grocery bags, and carry them in one hand, and then pick up Kaster with my opposite arm.

"How's your third birthday been so far?" I ask.

She gives me a big kiss on the forehead, "Yesh! Been fun! I'm excited for cake!" She claps.

I smile at her, "I'm glad to hear that. And I am too! Cake!" I shout back at her.

"Caaaaaake!" She yells.

I set her down once we reach the car, but not before giving her a peck on the cheek.

I place the groceries into the car after putting Kaster in her booster seat.

We are driving in the car, silently listening to my phones music on Bluetooth.

"We're only getting older baby!" Kaster belts from the backseat.

I turn my head and point my finger towards Kas for a brief moment, "And I've been thinking about you lately!" I sing to her.

"Does it ever drive you crazy?" She sings to herself, pointing her fingers to her head while singing the verse.

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