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Louis POV

"I have no clue what I'm doing," I say aloud, struggling to get my tie properly around my neck.

I am staring at myself through the mirror, focusing on the collar of my tuxedo, while trying to figure out how to tie the damn tie.

Lottie, who is standing on the opposite side of the room, gives me a glare, and rolls her eyes as she walks towards me. She ties it as if it were nothing, and then walks away without even saying a 'you're welcome' in response to my 'thanks'.

She walks over to join Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe. As grooms maids (??) they are all wearing identical dresses, and their hair is all styled the same. Their dresses match with the theme of the wedding, which is white, with accents of lavender.

My mum chuckles as she walks over to talk to me with Kaster in her arms. "Don't mind Lotts, she's only nervous," she says, swiping my shoulders with the arm that isn't wrapped around Kaster, who, may I add, will make a lovely flower girl.

I laugh, "What does she have to me nervous about? I'm the one getting married!" I shout, feeling the nerves starting to run throughout my body.

The bright smile on my mum's face disappears, and instead, she gives me a pitiful look, "You know what she told me the other day?" She asks. I frown, and shake my head, not wanting to respond to her question.

She gives me a tight smile before continuing, "She told me she was gonna miss you. I explained to Lottie that you aren't going anywhere, and that it will be the same, but she kept trying to convince me that it will be different."

I shake my head, "Nothing's going to be different," I say, more so trying to convince myself than mum.

She nods her head, "I know, but try explaining that to your seventeen year old sister. She grew up with you. Spent everyday of her childhood with you. Then you left to college, but, you visit, and everything's normal. You getting married only means that you're growing up, and I think her seeing you grow up, only makes her realize that she's now growing up without you," she finishes.

I nod, and feel a fresh coat of tears welling up in my eyes. I know Lottie's right. It will be different, but not in a bad way! She's seventeen, and will soon be on her own. I can't be the one to help her grow up, so maybe this is for her own benefit, even if it may not seem like it. Besides, she'll now be able to go to any One Direction concert of her likings!

Every teenage girls dream.

I say a quiet, "Thank you," and walk to the rest of my family. They are all stood around a small, circular table, which has little finger foods placed on top. The girls go crazy for the cookies, and I help myself to a chocolate chip one, as well.

"Louis," my stepdad smiles, reaching his arms up.

I've never really thought about him as a stepdad. He was there for me when my own father wasn't. He was the one to help lift me up whenever I was hurting. Sure, we may not be as close to each other as my mum and I, but he is ten times the man that my biological father will ever be.

I walk into my his arms, and give him a pat on the back, to which he returns. "I'm proud of you, son," he says, pulling my shoulders back, so that he can look me in the eyes. "Thank you," I smile, not only in response to his comment, but to much, much more. He gives me a knowing smile, letting me know that he understands.

Time flies, and I soon find myself and the rest of my family entering the chapel in which Harry and I will be getting married in. Harry had asks that we get married where his parents had, and who would I be to say no to that?

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