Chapter Thirty Nine

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Louis POV

It is November Fourth when I finally realize it.

I want to marry Harry Styles.

Why it took me longer than a year to figure out? I'm not sure.

I am laying in our bed, fonding over Harry's beauty, and think think to myself, "Why aren't we engaged?"

Some people would say that only a year of dating is too little of time. But I know, with all of my heart, that I will never love anyone else as much as I love Harry. So why would I wait another day as his boyfriend, when I could be his fiancé!

I lay, wrapped in Harry's arms, thinking about our future, and how beautiful life would be married to Harry.
The next morning, I excuse myself from the flat, and let Harry be in charge. I go out, and I drive to my mums house, wanting to share my news to her in person.

After the thought of proposing to Harry entered my head, there was no backing out. So, here I am, asking for permission the next day. Call me a romantic.

I had called my mum to meet me halfway, so that I don't have to drive the full two or so hours to get to the house.

I just pulled into the restaurant that we are planning on eating lunch at, and I send her a text saying that I am waiting outside. With that, I hop out of the car, and sit down on a bench in front of the restaurant.

As I wait, I smell the delicious food cooking from inside, and I can feel my stomach getting hungrier and hungrier. I mentally curse to myself that I got here too early.

After ten more minutes of waiting, I see my mums small figure approaching me from a distance. A smile creeps onto my face, and I stand up promptly.

"Louis!" She shouts, running the last ten feet, and opening up her arms to embrace myself in a hug. "How are you love?" She questions, speaking into my shoulder, not having let go yet. I smile before replying, "I'm great! But let's head inside, it's freezing out here."

We both order our food, and wait for our orders to come by. It shouldn't take too long, though, because we aren't eating at a five star restaurant, unlike the places Harry takes us out to eat.

"Lou, I love you to pieces, and I would never say no to having lunch with you, but there has to be some reason as to why I drove an hour to see you," mum says from across the table, laughing as she speaks.

I take a deep breath in, and look her straight in the eyes, "I want to propose to Harry." I say, putting it out there. My mums expression changes as soon as I complete my sentence. I wait for a response, which doesn't take as long as I had anticipated.

She smiles in my direction, "Love, I'm proud of you. I know how happy Harry makes you, and I know how much he cares about Kaster. I know how badly you want this, I can see it in your eyes," she says, pointing at me for emphasis. She continues, "In fact, it's so clear how much you two love each other, and it's completely obvious how well you both get along. If it would've taken you any longer, I would've gotten down on one knee in front of Harry, and wouldve proposed for you!" She jokes, which makes me laugh. I love my mum so much, and I always have. My friends at school would make fun of me for turning down invitations to party's, because I would rather stay home, and help her out around the house.

"You're lying, and you know it," I laugh, while shaking my head, "Besides, we've only known each other for a little more than a year, if anything, it's too soon." I explain, clasping my hands together.

Mum nods her head in understanding, "I get it, but I think you both are an exception." She smiles, throwing a wink in my direction, which causes me to roll my eyes in return.But, in my heart, I know that Harry and I are an exception.

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