Chapter Thirty Two

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Harry POV

Everyday, all I've been doing is laying in bed, sleeping, watching the Telly, and getting up to use the restroom. Nothing else. I've eaten maybe two meals in the past three days? Yep, that sounds about correct.

I'm not heartbroken or anything, I know that Louis is still mine, and that neither of us want to end our relationship, but I am disappointed. Disappointed that I had gotten my hopes up for nothing. I never even considered that Louis would say 'no', I was too excited about letting the world know who I am actually in a relationship with!

I should've seen it coming, though. Knowing Louis as much as I do, I should've been able to predict his thoughts on this situation.

For some unknown reason, Louis has a really negative view of himself. He lacks self confidence, which is such a shame, since his personality is so beautiful. He also is ashamed of his appearance. God only knows how he manages to stay blinded of his own beauty.

With that being said, I'm not sure why I thought it would be a good idea for him to put himself 'out there' to the world, as my boyfriend. We will get hate, I'm one hundred percent sure of it. There will always be haters. So why did I think it would be amazing to receive hate, causing my loves self esteem drop even more?

My thoughts are all interrupted by the sound of my phone. I look down at the caller ID, seeing the one name I haven't been able to get out of my head for the past three days.

"Hello?" I whisper into the phone, trying my best to contain all of the emotions spinning throughout my body.

"Harry! Thank god you picked up, would've had a fucking heart attack if you hadn't," I hear Louis chuckle through the phone. His laugh may just be the most perfect noise that I've ever heard.

"Of course I picked up! What did you need?" I question, unsure of why he was so urgent for me to pick up.

"Do I need a reason to call my boyfriend? We haven't bloody talked in three days! Missed you, and wanted to talk. Would've come over, but with Kaster and all, and I wasn't sure if you would be home, or would've wanted to talk-" I cut him off, "Louis!" I laugh. "Thank you for calling. I'm sure you were busy as well, taking care of Kaster, wanting some time to yourself." I say, shrugging off the fact that we haven't spoken to one another in three fucking days.

"Harry, don't talk like that. I should've called sooner, and I'm sorry I never did. Yeah, I have to take care of Kaster, but that can't be my excuse of not calling in three days. You, however, have every excuse as of why you never called. I was a fucking idiot. I shouldn't have led you on to believe that I wanted this as much as you do." He takes a deep breath, but doesn't continue. I take that as my sign to speak up, "Louis, no. I was to excited, and should've paid more attention to you, and how comfortable you were with all of it. I'll let management know that we won't be ready by the end of the American leg." I explain, slightly disappointed.

"No!" He shouts. "I want to! I want to do this, with you." He breathes out, and I can't stop the smile from spreading across my face, "You what?" I question. "Harry Styles, I want this. I want to be the name that is read next to yours in magazines, explaining to people our love story. I want our names to be the ones people refer to as 'those sappy couples, that are head over heels in love with each other', I want it all, with you. I'm not sure how I let my confidence slip, and almost ruin this opportunity, but I'm ready." 

I wipe away my tears, and sniffle into the phone, "I love you so, so, so much. You're sure you want this?" I ask, praying that he's okay with it all,

"Kaster! Help your old man out!" Louis shouts from the kitchen. Kas and I are spread out on the couch, while Louis is making dinner, that's if you consider fruit and jelly sandwiches dinner.

I guess while I was off slugging around at my place, Louis was also staying put in his flat, so he hasn't gotten any groceries recently.

"Alright Kas, you heard the man," I shove Kaster off of my lap, and follow her into the kitchen. "Can I help?" I offer, standing behind Kaster, my hands on her shoulders. Louis smiles, "That'd be awesome, could you slice the fruit? And Kas? Why don't you help me make the sandwiches," he offers. I nod, and walk over to the fridge, and grab the containers of strawberries, grapes, pineapples, and blueberries.

While I'm placing the fruits in a bowl, I look over my shoulder, and see the cutest sight. Louis is spreading the jelly, and then hands it over to Kaster, for her to place another slice of bread on top. Once they've finished making three jelly sandwiches, they walk over to the table, and set them down. I follow behind them, placing a nice bowl of fruit down next to the sandwiches.

We all eat our "dinner" and then have a nice, relaxing evening. We watched the movie, Sleeping Beauty, which I found out is Kaster's favorite princess movie, and now we all three lay quietly on the couch.

I'm close to sleep, until I am being shoved by Kaster, "Harreh! Get off the couch!" She shouts frantically. "What's the matter princess?" I ask, rubbing my eyes with my fists, getting the sleep out of them. "Daddy and I have surprise!" She exclaims, clapping her hands together.

I slowly get off the couch, and walk over to where Louis stands. He has his back leaning against the front door, arms crossed over his chest. If you gave him a leather jacket, I would've mistaken him for a greaser.

"You know where we're going?" I asked, amused by this sudden surprise. He nods his head with a smile, and opens the front door for me and Kaster to follow.
I try my hardest to maintain my laughter while I watch Louis attempt to balance three bowls of ice cream in both hands. Kaster and I are seated at a small table, perfect for three people.

"Thank you so much for this, I haven't gone out for ice cream in a while," I smile, reaching to grab my chocolate ice cream out of Louis' hand.

It's been a great day, ever since Louis called, I've been nothing but happy. No matter what I'm doing, it's always ten times better when it's with Louis.

"Of course. Thought since its later, nobody would suspect you to be out getting ice cream," Louis laughs. I smile, and then take a bite out of my ice cream, which I should add, tastes like heaven on a spoon.

"You got plain vanilla! How boring of you," I mumble out, mouth full of chocolate. I watch as Louis rolls his eyes, "Nothing bad about plain 'ole vanilla!" He answers cheerily. I look over to Kaster, who is also having chocolate ice cream, only hers has Oreos sprinkles on top, "Can you believe him?" I ask sarcastically. Kaster shakes her head rapidly, "I cannot," she replies shortly, too interested in her ice cream.

After sitting around, and enjoying our desserts for about ten more minutes, we all finally decide that it's about time to head out. "Likes make like an egg and scramble," Louis says, standing up from the table to stretch. Kaster erupts into a huge laughter, which causes a ginormous smile to appear on my face.

I offer to carry Kaster, since it's pretty late, and she's getting tired. "Kaster? What's your favorite color?" I ask, making small conversation on our way back to the car. She laughs into my shoulder, "That's easy, blue! Like me daddy!" She cheers, proud to have things in common with her dad. I look over at Louis, only to see him finding over Kaster, "That's right baby girl," he laughs, running a hand through her long, dirty blonde hair.

The first five minutes of the car ride are silent. I'm almost positive Kaster has fallen asleep, and Louis is focusing on the road. I reach over and place my hand on top of Louis', which is placed over the gear shift. I watch as he quickly takes his eyes off of the road to look at our entwined hands, and then my eyes, "Love ya," he laughs, breaking the silence. I laugh, "Love ya too, you dork," and with that, I lift his hand, and bring it up to my lips to place a quick kiss to the top of his hand.


Guys !! Agh I don't know where this story is going, or how many chapters are left !! I guess the story writes itself, lol. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, and comment any suggestions (:

Much love x Lauren

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