Chapter Five

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Louis POV

HARRY MOTHER FUCKING STYLES IS A WORLDWIDE CELEBRITY !?! What the hell? How in Jesus' name was I unaware of this information!? It's a miracle what having a two-year-old does to your social life.

I may or may not have shouted, 'What the actual FUCK?!' when I read the magazine. It completely blindsided me, and that is an understatement. But what didn't blind side me, was him not being available.

I should've known! I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up and have thought he was actually trying to 'flirt' with me. I feel like a complete idiot! Getting my hopes up for something too good to be true ...

How come I feel disappointed ? My chances weren't great from the start, but now that I'm aware he's in a relationship and is in a very successful boy band: My slim chances just went plummeting down even farther, if that was even possible. Also, I'm sure a young, hot, famous lad wouldn't want to be seen in a relationship with a male who already has a daughter.


What in gods name was I thinking when I was even considering, if you can call it that, what a relationship with Harry would be like. I can't be dating, not when my full attention needs to be on Kaster. Like I said, she's got a lot of my personality in her, so she only sees the good in people and gets attached too easily.  If I started a relationship, with anybody, and it didn't turn out well, Kaster would be heart broken.  She'd get used to this other person being involved in her life, and then one day wake up to them never coming back. I could never do that to her. For the future, yes, I would like to fall in love, and have someone be there with me, and help raise Kaster like she's always been theirs, but not now. I want her to be able to be aware of the circumstances, first.

Speaking of Kaster, I'm sure it's around the time for me to pick her up. I send a quick text message to El saying that I'm on my way.

The drive doesn't take long, and soon enough I'm parking my car in her driveway. I go up to knock on her door when I get a text message, and immediately my face lights up when I read who it's from

Harry: LEWIS !! Hello, was wondering if you wanted to come over sometime ?

I can feel the heat rising up to my cheeks. He wants me to come over? God, I sound like a total schoolgirl.

"Louis! Thought you would be out longer!" After receiving the text from Harry, I had forgotten that I was standing outside of Eleanor's flat. "Nah, couldn't stand being away from lil Kas any longer." After saying that, Kaster comes running in my direction, "Da-dee! Da-dee!" "How's it going Kaster Master?" I smile at her. "Gwood! S'fun!" "Good to hear that you both had fun! We'll have to arrange a time that you and Nate can come by our house to play!" Hearing that makes Kaster's smile grow even bigger. She puts her arms in the air, signaling for me to pick her up. "Thanks for having her over El, really helped me out." I say to Eleanor, giving her a genuine smile. "Louis, honestly, it was no big deal. Whenever you need help with Kaster, I'm here" I smile to her one last time, and then make my way to the car. 

By the time I buckle Kaster in her car seat, I remember about Harry's text.  I go to pull out my phone, seeing I have two missed messages.

Harry: you know I can see that you've read my last message :/

Harry: Is this your way of telling me no? ):

I smile as I read the texts, did Harry honestly think that I'd turn him down?

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