Chapter Three

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CHAPTER THREE !! Omg, I feel like I enjoy writing this too much ... Enjoy this chapter ! And PLEASE let me know how you feel about the story, or if you have any suggestions for the future !! Thanks xx- Lauren (:
"I wonder where she is ..."  Louis says to himself, walking past the giant lump hidden under a blanket on top of the couch.  "She's not in her bedroom, and she's not in the kitchen..." He says aloud again, this time hearing muffled giggling coming from Kaster.  "The only place left would have to beeeee..." And then Louis jumps on the couch, laying on top of Kaster, ticking her sides through the blanket. Kaster erupts into a fit of laughter. Louis considers that a win, so he pulls himself off of the couch, and gets rid of the blanket, revealing a very red-faced Kaster.

Louis continues to tickle Kaster, and the smile on her face is contagious, as Louis now finds himself with the biggest smile on his face. "C'mon Kas, we have to get you ready for your playdate with Nate!" "Otay Da-Dee, I go get ready now." Louis picks her up from the couch, throws her over his shoulder, and runs all around their flat, until finally stopping in front of Kaster's bedroom. He throws her onto her bed, and she, again, screams out laughing.

"Alrighty, Kaster Master, what are we wearing today?" Kaster looks up at Louis, and seems to be in a serious thought, "Dwess! Me wanna look pwetty at Nate" Louis turns to look at Kaster in astonishment. Boys?! She is only two, and she's already wanting to impress Nate? Well, like father like daughter...

He keeps looking at Kaster, having a stare down with her, but soon enough, there is a smile working its way onto Louis' face. Kaster may not be his child biologically, but there are definately similarities between the two. If you met Louis and Kaster, it would come as a surprise finding out Louis isn't her real father. She's always laughing and can make any of the kids at the preschool smile, just like he was growing up. She even has is eyes, which Louis knows is not possible. Overall, Kaster's a great kid, and Louis could not be more proud.

Once Louis manages to get Kaster all ready for her playdate, they walk out of their flat and head on over to Eleanor's.

They arrive at El's about fifteen minutes later. A very happy looking Nate answers the door, and welcomes us in, or, welcomes Kaster in. "Kas-er! Come play, come play!" And that was the end of that, as all Louis can see are the back of their figures assending into the house. "Sorry about that," Eleanor laughs out, walking over to the front door, where Louis still stands. "No need to be sorry, good to know that Kas has found a new friend!" "I know how busy it is, being a single parent and all. I'll watch them both this afternoon! You don't have to worry about a thing, go off and enjoy yourself today!" Eleanor says, giving Louis a true, genuine smile. "I don't know what to say, that truly means the world. Give me a call if ANYTHING happens! If Kaster is being trouble, gets hurt, misses me, needs to go-" "Louis!" Eleanor giggles out through all of Louis' blabbering. "M'sorry, it's just, I haven't had much time to myself lately, thank you again. So, so, so, so, sooooo much."

Eleanor had to practically throw Louis out of her house. He doesn't know what to do. He can't remember the last time he had a Saturday afternoon all to himself. He knows that he should take advantage of this situation, and go out to meet up with a few friends, but he really just wants to lay down and take a nap. Before that, though, he needs to get something to eat.

He decides to stop and eat at a little cafe, so he can get a cup of tea and a small meal. He's in the middle of ordering a his tea and a chicken wrap, when all of his attention is brought to the back of the shop, where the only thing he can see are a bunch of cameras flashing. He shakes it off as if it was nothing, and continues on with his order.

Louis is sitting at a table by himself on his phone, while drinking his tea. He is enjoying his free time, and wouldn't want to spend it any other way. Right as soon as he finishes his drink and wrap, he gets up to go throw away his trash. He's just about out of the cafe when he suddenly feels a man shoving into him. Louis is about to give this man a shitload of crap for just about knocking him over, but is at a loss of words after turning around, and being greeted with a dimpled smile.

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