Chapter Thirty Six

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I'm sorry for the wait!! I wanted to make these last few chapters longer. Love you all, and enjoy the update ! Lauren x

Harry POV

Everything is better than I coulee ever imagined. All of the feedback Louis and I have received since coming out is mostly positive. Of course, there are some people who don't like the fact that two men are in a relationship together, but there will always be those types of people. One Directions fanbase hasn't dropped any, which was Louis' greatest concern, so he's grateful for that.

I am staying with Louis and Kaster in between the American tour and the second half of the Europe tour. It's only been a couple of days since we've returned from America, so we still have a week or so until tour starts back up again.

Today is Tuesday, which means Kaster and Lou are at the school, so I've been in Lou's flat all day just laying around while doing nothing. Staying in Louis' flat reminds me: when was the last time I've visited my own home? It's been maybe months! I laugh to myself, I guess I can't call it a home if there's nothing to come home to at the end of the day. My home is wherever Lou and Kas are.

I act like a slug for a couple more moments, and finally make the executive decision to get up and do something productive. So, I walk over to the fridge, grab something to eat, walk back over to the couch, and turn on the tv.

After channel surfing for minutes, I finally settle on E! News, because something catches my eye. They are discussing how One Direction's Harry Styles is officially off the market. I smile, knowing that something they are talking about is actually true. I listen to what they have to say, which I usually never do because it's mostly garbage, but I'm genuinely curious as to what they have to say about my relationship with Louis.

"I have to say," Giuliana Rancic starts, "This didn't so much come off as a shock to me! I mean, we've known about this Louis Tomlinson guy for a while now! Harry had been spotted with him for a while, it's not like we are just now being informed of who Louis is." She explains, and you hear the rest of the crew mumble out agreements. "Harry and Louis had been seen having dinner with each other. Sure, it possibly could be a friendly dinner, maybe two childhood friends catching up, but based off of pictures, you could tell that wasn't the case!" She says, smile printed all over her face.

I furrow my eyebrows, were we that obvious? I don't think Louis and I ever held hands in public. We've never kissed or anything in public, either. How could they have known?

"I completely agree," Jason adds onto Giuliana's thoughts. "Harry, as much as I love ya, you are an awful actor," he laughs, "There were people out there trying to deny the rumors of them being a couple. How could they have been so blind?! Those two practically look at each other as if the other person is God himself stood before them!" He shouts, causing everyone else to laugh, including me.

I know one hundred percent I'm a shit actor, have you seen iCarly? I know that when Louis and I started to make an appearance to the public more often, people started having suspicions about us being a couple. Of course, they were correct, which always made me feel bubbly inside. The fact that people could see our love is a beautiful thing.

I turn off the tv, and walk over to the kitchen to make some lunch. I'm starving, it's already three and I haven't eaten anything today. I look around the fridge and pantry to find something, and eventually settle on Mac and Cheese.

You're never too old for some classic macaroni.

I make myself a cup of coffee while I wait for the noodles to finish cooking.

I snack on my meal, and open up my Twitter app while I eat.

Ever since Louis and I came out, Twitter has been crazy. I've been getting way more tweets than I usually do, and everyone has been begging me to have Louis make a Twitter.

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