Chapter Thirty Four

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Louis POV

One Direction has been on tour for about a month and a half, and everything has been great so far. Kaster enjoys every second of their shows, and is screaming every word to every song. She truly is their number one fan. Of course, she's given ear plugs, so that the loud music doesn't damage her youthful ears.

Right now, we have just landed in Kansas City, and Kaster's excited, because we will be attending this show. Yes, we have been with Harry and the rest of the lads every step of the way for the American tour, but we have not gone to every show. Kaster and I sometimes just hang out in a hotel, and watch movies with each other, and wait for Harry to come and join us.

"Haz! Kaster is getting hungry, I'm gonna walk around down town with her and find a place to eat, maybe shop around a bit. Wanna join?" I ask, knowing that Harry probably won't want to go out in public, but I give it a shot.

"I'm gonna take a shower, maybe lay down a bit, but I'll text you later. Might want to join you guys," he smiles, wrapping me in a hug before walking into our hotel room's bathroom.

I turn around, and walk over to Kaster, "It's just you and me for now! Why don't you grab some sunglasses from your baggie, and then we can head on out!" I suggest, picking up her small duffle, which is carrying all of her toys, coloring books, and clothes, and I hand it over to her. She scrambles through her bag, in search for her sunglasses, "Found them!" She cheers, lifting her bright pink shades in the air. "Awesome," I smile, and pick her up, "Haz, we're heading out," I say, walking into the restroom so that he can hear. "Alright, text me!" He shouts before I shut the door.

A nice feature about touring with Harry, is that the hotels we stay at are lovely. They are always located near downtown, and have a beautiful view of the city.

Kaster and I walk outside of the hotel, and after walking only a block, Kaster is begging for me to pick her up. "What sounds good for food? Do you want.... A sandwich? Noodles?" I ask as we are walking around downtown, admiring the architecture. "I'll have anything. My tummy is hungry!" She laughs, patting at her stomach. I laugh, and start to look around for a place that she would be okay eating at.

We soon find ourselves walking inside of a Panera, which smells absolutely incredible. I swear I could smell it from two blocks away.

"Kas, they have grilled cheeses, would you want that? Or do you want some Mac and Cheese?" I ask, looking up at the menu. "Ummmmm, grilled cheese," she smiles. I nod, and then wait my turn in line.

We find an area to sit, and wait for our buzzer to go off, indicating that our food is ready, which only takes about two minutes. I excuse myself from the table so that I can grab our food, and then I walk straight back to where Kaster is waiting patiently for her food. I set her plate with a grilled cheese, and a bag of chips on top, "Thank youuuuuu," she laughs, immediately grabbing at her sandwich as soon as I place the plate in front of her. She mumbles into her mouth, enjoying the taste of her first Panera grilled cheese. I laugh, and then take a bite out of my chicken-cheese sandwich, which I must add, is pretty damn good.

After eating for ten more minutes, I finally find myself taking our plates and trash over to the trash can, throw away our garbage, and then place our plates on top of the others. We are just about to walk out of the place, until Kaster stops dead in her tracks, "Daddy! Can I get a cookie?" She begs, jumping up and down, while pointing over at the case of cookies. I laugh, "Of course. You've been a pretty good girl I'd say," I reply, picking her up, and walking over to the end of the line, so that I can order Kaster a cookie.

"What flavor do you want?" I ask, making sure we are all ready to order for when we are at the front. "Chocolate chip! What else?" She laughs, as if it was the most obvious answer ever. I shake my head, "Geeze, I should've known," I laugh, hitting my head for emphasis.

I order Kaster her cookie, and us both a cup of water. I had checked the weather, and saw that it was supposed to be over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Damn Kansas City and its damn hot weather.

I carry Kaster all around downtown, and I spot an Adidas Factory Shop a few shores down. "Kaster! Can we make a quick stop?" I ask, practically begging her to allow us to walk inside for a quick stop. Jesus, I sound like a child begging their parent for ice cream as a bedtime snack.

Kaster nods her head, "Sure! You lobe addydas," she laughs, pointing to my shorts, which, sure enough, are adidas. I shake my head, "You know me so well, don't you?" I ask, grabbing her nose and shaking it. Kaster laughs, and places a big, sloppy kiss on my cheek.

As soon as we step inside of the store, I let out a deep breath. Not only am I overwhelmed by all of the adidas clothing, but am also relaxed after stepping inside of the air conditioning.

It is hella hot in KC.

While Kaster and I are walking around the kid's shoe section, my phone buzzes.

Harry: Just took a quick nap! Are you both still out downtown? Love to join you x

I smile, and type out a quick response.

Louis: We sure are! Kas and I stopped at the Adidas store, will probably be in here for a couple more minutes (:

Harry: I'll head there right now! I just stopped at Starbucks to get some coffee, so it won't take long x

I pocket my phone, and continue to search for some new tennis shoes for Kas. "What about these?" I question, holding up a pair of sky blue shoes, with the Adidas stripes in white. Kaster runs over to me, and grabs the shoes to get a closer look, "Love them! Blue, my favorite color!" She exclaims.

I love the girl that Kaster has become. She is definitely my little girl, and you can definitely see how my personality has rubbed off on her. I have taught her to do the things that I had always enjoyed doing as a kid, such as football, and being dramatic.

We walk around for a little while longer, and I find a new jumper that I end up purchasing, as well as Kaster's shoes. I wait outside of the shop for Harry, constantly looking in both directions, waiting for the cheeky lad to make an appearance.

"Daddy? When will Harry get here?" Kaster asks, pulling at my leg. I pick her up, and rest her against my hip, "He'll be here soon. Don't worry," I smile, knowing he should be here any second based off of his text message.

I am soon surprised by a pat on my back. I turn around, coming face-to-face with Harry, "Hello love," I smile, although I'm frowning internally, because I'm not allowed to kiss him in public. "Hello, how has your day been?" He asks, ruffling a hand through Kaster's hair. "Good! I have a grill cheese!" Kaster yells, which causes Harry and I to laugh. "I'm glad you enjoyed your sandwich," Harry smiles. "What should we do? Have any places in mind that you want to visit?" I question, not having anything in mind of what we should do. Harry smiles, "I have an idea!" He exclaims, placing a hand on my back, guiding Kaster and my way through the city.


GUYS! 6k... HOLY CRAP I CANT EVEN DEAL!! This is truly a dream come true. This is only my first story, as I've mentioned in the past, and it's incredible at how much attention it is getting!

Thanks so much x y'all are truly amazing.


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