Between Love & Deception (Chapter 6)

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Chapter 6

Hours later, I felt jet lagged and famished. I forced my eyes open, only to notice the plane landing in Boston. I sighed with nervousness.. I couldn't imagine how Beau was feeling right at this moment. He had never been on a trip this long, and he was probably about to go crazy.

I giggled a little bit, when I looked up to see Beau's head laying in Carter's lap. Beau was knocked out; I guess a plane ride would do it to you.

I started talking in a playful voice, "Carter did you drug my child?" Beau had never taken naps this long before.

"No way. He has been asleep for the past two hours." I hadn't noticed though, I must have fallen asleep as well. I watched as Carter looked down at Beau and ran his hands over his head. "He's cute when he sleeps." He said quietly.

I couldn't help but laugh, "My baby is cute all the time."

Carter laughed with me, "Yeah, when he isn't being a devious shit head."

Carter's comment didn't offend me, because I knew how Beau could be at times. I laughed as well, "That's a kid for ya."

Moments later, we were all exiting the plane. Reluctantly, I picked up Beau from the seat and headed out behind Carter. For a moment, I told myself to turn back. This isn't a good idea, but I couldn't. We were already in Boston and there was no turning back now.

When we walked into the airport, we followed Carter out towards the cab that he had already called for. It was pretty convenient. The city was beautiful, it was a magnificent day. The sun was shining bright, and the wind was lightly blowing.

The weather was more than peaceful.

I looked down at Beau, who was now wide awake and no longer tired. Hell, he was hyper as hell.

"Mommy? Where are we going?" His small voice asked.

I hesitated for a moment, "We are going to the place I grew up baby." I said hoping he wouldn't ask any more questions.

Beau looked at me confused, "But, you live in New York."

I laughed a little bit, at his confused face. How could I possibly think that he wouldn't be confused? "I know baby, but I haven't always lived there." I answered.

He frowned, still confused looking. "Where did you live?"

"A place called Martha's Vineyard." I answered him once again. His questions were starting to make me even more nervous.

I looked out the window and smiled at my little boy. He was so cute. I couldn't ask for anymore. "Is that where my daddy lives?"

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