Between Love & Deception (Chapter 15)

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So, sorry this had taken sooooo long for me to update. I know i said i would uploade yesterday, but i had some complications yesterday haha. We went to the lake and it started raining so i jumped off the boat and kind of lost balance and broke my fall with my elbow on a like 50 pound rock, it was huge.

Lets just say, it hurt like a b*tch.

but, last night i didnt get to upload bc i took like three tylenol PMs and i was knocked smooth out like a baby :) and i am feeling much better today :)

So dont be mad at me for not updating yester day, i was crippled! anyways enough talking, i guess i could let you guys read chapter 15.



            “Call me crazy, Dan but I think you are starting to get old.” Samantha laughed again as I looked over at her and gave her a look.

            I playfully nudged her, “Na, I’m not getting old. You got a good head start.”

            She giggled, “No, I am just a fast runner.” She replied.

            She looked up at me, all innocent and I couldn’t help but smile at her. “Enough of the small talk, let’s get down to business. I’ll have you boogie boarding like a pro by the night is over.”

            I know this probably wouldn’t be a good idea, but what the hell? This is what vacation is all about, simply having a good time.




Chapter 15









            Danny and I had been on the beach for what felt like hours, just talking and playing around with the boogie board. There is one thing I know for sure; boogie boarding is not my thing. I would take off running, and as soon as I would jump on the board, it would go flying out from under me. As a result, I would end up on my back and it would give Danny a good laugh.


            I walked off to a distance from the ocean; it’s the last time I am trying. Danny was standing about five feet into the water, and he had just about decided that I am never going to get the hang of it.


            I took one glance at Danny before I took off running towards him and the water. He looked amused, standing there with his arms crossed and a flat grin on his face. I ignored it though, I would show him.


            My feet started running, and I picked up speed really quick. I was finally to the water, and I dropped the board and jumped on it. It was the first time that I had actually done it correct and I was excited. The board glided across the water, so easily.

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