Between Love & Deception (Chapter 7)

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Chapter 7








            Everything was finally sinking in; the fact that I was back in my home town with my son. My heart was beating so fast, and the palms of my hands were practically dripping with sweat as we all three got off the ferry. I stood for a moment, and let Carter and Beau walk past me.


            This place brings back so many memories; good and bad. I was finally back in Oak Bluff, where I had all of my firsts. First best friend, first love, first time to have sex, first time I lost someone extremely special to me, first time to get drunk, first time to smoke a cigarette. Yeah, some more important than others, but they were still memories that would burn in the back of my mind forever.


            In all honesty, I never thought I would have to see this place again and for some odd reason, I was okay with that. Here I am though, back in Oak Bluff.


            It had been seriously five years since I had seen this place. I didn't come back for holidays, or anything like that. The ocean was still the same as very, rolling strong and deep. The sun still shined brighter than ever and the tourists were still swarming the place during the summer.


            In fact, I almost felt like I was one of them, just a tourist that came to check out the place.


            I took a deep breath as I walked off the ferry behind Beau and Carter. I laughed a little bit, hoping that I was just over-reacting at the fact, but something still told me that I wasn’t over-reacting at all.


            “Mommy, come on.” I heard Beau screaming from the pavement, and putting a long emphasis on the ‘n’ in on.


            For a moment, I put aside all of my doubts for Beau. This is the first time he had actually been on a vacation since I had him and I wanted to make it amazing for him.


            I kneeled down next to him, and smiled. I took in all of his beautiful features, “I’m here baby, you ready?”


            Beau grabbed my hand, and laughed. He pulled me towards the cab that was waiting for us, “Can we go to the beach first?”


            I laughed at his persistency, he was ready. So was I, but there were things that needed to be done first. We needed to go to the Inn and visit with mom for a little while.


            “We will go to the beach, I promise but we need to go visit with grandmother first.” I said as I watched his face fall from an excited smile to a frown.

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